Source code for pybamm.spatial_methods.scikit_finite_element

# Finite Element discretisation class which uses scikit-fem
import pybamm

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv
import numpy as np

from pybamm.util import import_optional_dependency

[docs] class ScikitFiniteElement(pybamm.SpatialMethod): """ A class which implements the steps specific to the finite element method during discretisation. The class uses scikit-fem to discretise the problem to obtain the mass and stiffness matrices. At present, this class is only used for solving the Poisson problem -grad^2 u = f in the y-z plane (i.e. not the through-cell direction). For broadcast, we follow the default behaviour from SpatialMethod. """ def __init__(self, options=None): super().__init__(options) pybamm.citations.register("Gustafsson2020") def build(self, mesh): super().build(mesh) # add npts_for_broadcast to mesh domains for this particular discretisation for dom in mesh.keys(): mesh[dom].npts_for_broadcast_to_nodes = mesh[dom].npts
[docs] def spatial_variable(self, symbol): """ Creates a discretised spatial variable compatible with the FiniteElement method. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.SpatialVariable` The spatial variable to be discretised. Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Vector` Contains the discretised spatial variable """ symbol_mesh = self.mesh if == "y": entries = symbol_mesh["current collector"].coordinates[0, :][:, np.newaxis] elif == "z": entries = symbol_mesh["current collector"].coordinates[1, :][:, np.newaxis] else: raise pybamm.GeometryError( f"Spatial variable must be 'y' or 'z' not {}" ) return pybamm.Vector(entries,
[docs] def gradient(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """Matrix-vector multiplication to implement the gradient operator. The gradient w of the function u is approximated by the finite element method using the same function space as u, i.e. we solve w = grad(u), which corresponds to the weak form w*v*dx = grad(u)*v*dx, where v is a suitable test function. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the Laplacian of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Concatenation` A concatenation that contains the result of acting the discretised gradient on the child discretised_symbol. The first column corresponds to the y-component of the gradient and the second column corresponds to the z component of the gradient. """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] # get gradient matrix grad_y_matrix, grad_z_matrix = self.gradient_matrix(symbol, boundary_conditions) # assemble mass matrix (there is no need to zero out entries here, since # boundary conditions are already accounted for in the governing pde # for the symbol we are taking the gradient of. we just want to get the # correct weights) @skfem.BilinearForm def mass_form(u, v, w): return u * v mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.basis) # we need the inverse mass_inv = pybamm.Matrix(inv(csc_matrix(mass))) # compute gradient grad_y = mass_inv @ (grad_y_matrix @ discretised_symbol) grad_z = mass_inv @ (grad_z_matrix @ discretised_symbol) # create concatenation grad = pybamm.Concatenation( grad_y, grad_z, check_domain=False, concat_fun=np.hstack ) grad.copy_domains(symbol) return grad
[docs] def gradient_squared(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """Multiplication to implement the inner product of the gradient operator with itself. See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.gradient_squared` """ grad = self.gradient(symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions) grad_y, grad_z = grad.orphans return grad_y**2 + grad_z**2
[docs] def gradient_matrix(self, symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Gradient matrix for finite elements in the appropriate domain. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol for which we want to calculate the gradient matrix boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) finite element gradient matrix for the domain """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") # get primary domain mesh domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] # make form for the gradient in the y direction @skfem.BilinearForm def gradient_dy(u, v, w): return u.grad[0] * v # make form for the gradient in the z direction @skfem.BilinearForm def gradient_dz(u, v, w): return u.grad[1] * v # assemble the matrices grad_y = skfem.asm(gradient_dy, mesh.basis) grad_z = skfem.asm(gradient_dz, mesh.basis) return pybamm.Matrix(grad_y), pybamm.Matrix(grad_z)
[docs] def divergence(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """Matrix-vector multiplication to implement the divergence operator. See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.divergence` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def laplacian(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """Matrix-vector multiplication to implement the Laplacian operator. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the Laplacian of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised gradient on the child discretised_symbol """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] stiffness_matrix = self.stiffness_matrix(symbol, boundary_conditions) # get boundary conditions and type neg_bc_value, neg_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["negative tab"] pos_bc_value, pos_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["positive tab"] # boundary load vector is adjusted to account for boundary conditions below boundary_load = pybamm.Vector(np.zeros(mesh.npts)) # assemble boundary load if Neumann boundary conditions if "Neumann" in [neg_bc_type, pos_bc_type]: # make form for unit load over the boundary @skfem.LinearForm def unit_bc_load_form(v, w): return v if neg_bc_type == "Neumann": # assemble unit load over tab neg_bc_load = skfem.asm(unit_bc_load_form, mesh.negative_tab_basis) # value multiplied by weights boundary_load = boundary_load + neg_bc_value * pybamm.Vector(neg_bc_load) elif neg_bc_type == "Dirichlet": # set Dirichlet value at facets corresponding to tab neg_bc_load = np.zeros(mesh.npts) neg_bc_load[mesh.negative_tab_dofs] = 1 boundary_load = boundary_load + neg_bc_value * pybamm.Vector(neg_bc_load) else: raise ValueError( f"boundary condition must be Dirichlet or Neumann, not '{neg_bc_type}'" ) if pos_bc_type == "Neumann": # assemble unit load over tab pos_bc_load = skfem.asm(unit_bc_load_form, mesh.positive_tab_basis) # value multiplied by weights boundary_load = boundary_load + pos_bc_value * pybamm.Vector(pos_bc_load) elif pos_bc_type == "Dirichlet": # set Dirichlet value at facets corresponding to tab pos_bc_load = np.zeros(mesh.npts) pos_bc_load[mesh.positive_tab_dofs] = 1 boundary_load = boundary_load + pos_bc_value * pybamm.Vector(pos_bc_load) else: raise ValueError( f"boundary condition must be Dirichlet or Neumann, not '{pos_bc_type}'" ) return -stiffness_matrix @ discretised_symbol + boundary_load
[docs] def stiffness_matrix(self, symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Laplacian (stiffness) matrix for finite elements in the appropriate domain. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol for which we want to calculate the Laplacian matrix boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) finite element stiffness matrix for the domain """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") # get primary domain mesh domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] # make form for the stiffness @skfem.BilinearForm def stiffness_form(u, v, w): return sum(u.grad * v.grad) # assemble the stifnness matrix stiffness = skfem.asm(stiffness_form, mesh.basis) # get boundary conditions and type try: _, neg_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["negative tab"] _, pos_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["positive tab"] except KeyError as error: raise pybamm.ModelError( f"No boundary conditions provided for symbol `{symbol}``" ) from error # adjust matrix for Dirichlet boundary conditions if neg_bc_type == "Dirichlet": self.bc_apply(stiffness, mesh.negative_tab_dofs) if pos_bc_type == "Dirichlet": self.bc_apply(stiffness, mesh.positive_tab_dofs) return pybamm.Matrix(stiffness)
[docs] def integral(self, child, discretised_child, integration_dimension): """Vector-vector dot product to implement the integral operator. See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.integral` """ # Calculate integration vector integration_vector = self.definite_integral_matrix(child) out = integration_vector @ discretised_child return out
[docs] def definite_integral_matrix(self, child, vector_type="row"): """ Matrix for finite-element implementation of the definite integral over the entire domain .. math:: I = \\int_{\\Omega}\\!f(s)\\,dx for where :math:`\\Omega` is the domain. Parameters ---------- child : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol being integrated vector_type : str, optional Whether to return a row or column vector (default is row) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The finite element integral vector for the domain """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") # get primary domain mesh domain = child.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] # make form for the integral @skfem.LinearForm def integral_form(v, w): return v # assemble vector = skfem.asm(integral_form, mesh.basis) if vector_type == "row": return pybamm.Matrix(vector[np.newaxis, :]) elif vector_type == "column": return pybamm.Matrix(vector[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def indefinite_integral(self, child, discretised_child, direction): """Implementation of the indefinite integral operator. The input discretised child must be defined on the internal mesh edges. See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.indefinite_integral` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def boundary_integral(self, child, discretised_child, region): """Implementation of the boundary integral operator. See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.boundary_integral` """ # Calculate integration vector integration_vector = self.boundary_integral_vector(child.domain, region=region) out = integration_vector @ discretised_child out.clear_domains() return out
[docs] def boundary_integral_vector(self, domain, region): """A node in the expression tree representing an integral operator over the boundary of a domain .. math:: I = \\int_{\\partial a}\\!f(u)\\,du, where :math:`\\partial a` is the boundary of the domain, and :math:`u\\in\\text{domain boundary}`. Parameters ---------- domain : list The domain(s) of the variable in the integrand region : str The region of the boundary over which to integrate. If region is `entire` the integration is carried out over the entire boundary. If region is `negative tab` or `positive tab` then the integration is only carried out over the appropriate part of the boundary corresponding to the tab. Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The finite element integral vector for the domain """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") # get primary domain mesh mesh = self.mesh[domain[0]] # make form for the boundary integral @skfem.LinearForm def integral_form(v, w): return v if region == "entire": # assemble over all facets integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form, mesh.facet_basis) elif region == "negative tab": # assemble over negative tab facets integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form, mesh.negative_tab_basis) elif region == "positive tab": # assemble over positive tab facets integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form, mesh.positive_tab_basis) return pybamm.Matrix(integration_vector[np.newaxis, :])
[docs] def boundary_value_or_flux(self, symbol, discretised_child, bcs=None): """ Returns the average value of the symbol over the negative tab ("negative tab") or the positive tab ("positive tab") in the Finite Element Method. Overwrites the default :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.boundary_value` """ # Return average value on the negative tab for "negative tab" and positive tab # for "positive tab" if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryValue): # get integration_vector if symbol.side == "negative tab": region = "negative tab" elif symbol.side == "positive tab": region = "positive tab" domain = symbol.children[0].domain integration_vector = self.boundary_integral_vector(domain, region=region) # divide integration weights by (numerical) tab width to give average value boundary_val_vector = integration_vector / ( integration_vector @ pybamm.Vector(np.ones(integration_vector.shape[1])) ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryGradient): raise NotImplementedError # Return boundary value with domain given by symbol boundary_value = boundary_val_vector @ discretised_child boundary_value.copy_domains(symbol) return boundary_value
[docs] def mass_matrix(self, symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Calculates the mass matrix for the finite element method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Variable` The variable corresponding to the equation for which we are calculating the mass matrix. boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) mass matrix for the spatial method. """ return self.assemble_mass_form(symbol, boundary_conditions)
[docs] def boundary_mass_matrix(self, symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Calculates the mass matrix for the finite element method assembled over the boundary. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Variable` The variable corresponding to the equation for which we are calculating the mass matrix. boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) mass matrix for the spatial method. """ return self.assemble_mass_form(symbol, boundary_conditions, region="boundary")
[docs] def assemble_mass_form(self, symbol, boundary_conditions, region="interior"): """ Assembles the form of the finite element mass matrix over the domain interior or boundary. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Variable` The variable corresponding to the equation for which we are calculating the mass matrix. boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({symbol: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}}) region: str, optional The domain over which to assemble the mass matrix form. Can be "interior" (default) or "boundary". Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) mass matrix for the spatial method. """ skfem = import_optional_dependency("skfem") # get primary domain mesh domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] # create form for mass @skfem.BilinearForm def mass_form(u, v, w): return u * v # assemble mass matrix if region == "interior": mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.basis) if region == "boundary": mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.facet_basis) # get boundary conditions and type if symbol in boundary_conditions: _, neg_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["negative tab"] _, pos_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol]["positive tab"] if neg_bc_type == "Dirichlet": # set source terms to zero on boundary by zeroing out mass matrix self.bc_apply(mass, mesh.negative_tab_dofs, zero=True) if pos_bc_type == "Dirichlet": # set source terms to zero on boundary by zeroing out mass matrix self.bc_apply(mass, mesh.positive_tab_dofs, zero=True) return pybamm.Matrix(mass)
[docs] def bc_apply(self, M, boundary, zero=False): """ Adjusts the assembled finite element matrices to account for boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- M: :class:`scipy.sparse.coo_matrix` The assembled finite element matrix to adjust. boundary: :class:`numpy.array` Array of the indices which correspond to the boundary. zero: bool, optional If True, the rows of M given by the indicies in boundary are set to zero. If False, the diagonal element is set to one. default is False. """ row = np.arange(0, np.size(boundary)) if zero: data = np.zeros_like(boundary) else: data = np.ones_like(boundary) bc_matrix = csr_matrix( (data, (row, boundary)), shape=(np.size(boundary), np.shape(M)[1]) ) M[boundary] = bc_matrix