Source code for pybamm.solvers.base_solver

import copy
import itertools
from scipy.sparse import block_diag
import multiprocessing as mp
import numbers
import sys
import warnings
import platform

import casadi
import numpy as np

import pybamm
from pybamm.expression_tree.binary_operators import _Heaviside

[docs] class BaseSolver: """Solve a discretised model. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional The method to use for integration, specific to each solver rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). root_method : str or pybamm algebraic solver class, optional The method to use to find initial conditions (for DAE solvers). If a solver class, must be an algebraic solver class. If "casadi", the solver uses casadi's Newton rootfinding algorithm to find initial conditions. Otherwise, the solver uses 'scipy.optimize.root' with method specified by 'root_method' (e.g. "lm", "hybr", ...) root_tol : float, optional The tolerance for the initial-condition solver (default is 1e-6). extrap_tol : float, optional The tolerance to assert whether extrapolation occurs or not. Default is 0. output_variables : list[str], optional List of variables to calculate and return. If none are specified then the complete state vector is returned (can be very large) (default is []) """ def __init__( self, method=None, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, root_method=None, root_tol=1e-6, extrap_tol=None, output_variables=None, ): self.method = method self.rtol = rtol self.atol = atol self.root_tol = root_tol self.root_method = root_method self.extrap_tol = extrap_tol or -1e-10 self.output_variables = [] if output_variables is None else output_variables self._model_set_up = {} # Defaults, can be overwritten by specific solver = "Base solver" self.ode_solver = False self.algebraic_solver = False self._on_extrapolation = "warn" self.computed_var_fcns = {} self._mp_context = self.get_platform_context(platform.system()) @property def root_method(self): return self._root_method @root_method.setter def root_method(self, method): if method == "casadi": method = pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver(self.root_tol) elif isinstance(method, str): method = pybamm.AlgebraicSolver(method, self.root_tol) elif not ( method is None or ( isinstance(method, pybamm.BaseSolver) and method.algebraic_solver is True ) ): raise pybamm.SolverError("Root method must be an algebraic solver") self._root_method = method
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a copy of the solver""" new_solver = copy.copy(self) # clear _model_set_up new_solver._model_set_up = {} return new_solver
[docs] def set_up(self, model, inputs=None, t_eval=None, ics_only=False): """Unpack model, perform checks, and calculate jacobian. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. Must have attributes rhs and initial_conditions inputs : dict, optional Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving t_eval : numeric type, optional The times (in seconds) at which to compute the solution """ inputs = inputs or {} if ics_only:"Start solver set-up, initial_conditions only") else:"Start solver set-up") self._check_and_prepare_model_inplace(model, inputs, ics_only) # set default calculate sensitivities on model if not hasattr(model, "calculate_sensitivities"): model.calculate_sensitivities = [] # see if we need to form the explicit sensitivity equations calculate_sensitivities_explicit = False if model.calculate_sensitivities and not isinstance(self, pybamm.IDAKLUSolver): calculate_sensitivities_explicit = True self._set_up_model_sensitivities_inplace( model, inputs, calculate_sensitivities_explicit ) vars_for_processing = self._get_vars_for_processing( model, inputs, calculate_sensitivities_explicit ) # Process initial conditions initial_conditions, _, jacp_ic, _ = process( model.concatenated_initial_conditions, "initial_conditions", vars_for_processing, use_jacobian=False, ) model.initial_conditions_eval = initial_conditions model.jacp_initial_conditions_eval = jacp_ic # evaluate initial condition y0_total_size = ( model.len_rhs + model.len_rhs_sens + model.len_alg + model.len_alg_sens ) y_zero = np.zeros((y0_total_size, 1)) if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": # stack inputs inputs_casadi = casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in inputs.values()]) model.y0 = initial_conditions(0.0, y_zero, inputs_casadi) if jacp_ic is None: model.y0S = None else: model.y0S = jacp_ic(0.0, y_zero, inputs_casadi) else: model.y0 = initial_conditions(0.0, y_zero, inputs) if jacp_ic is None: model.y0S = None else: # we are calculating the derivative wrt the inputs # so need to make sure we convert int -> float # This is to satisfy JAX jacfwd function which requires # float inputs inputs_float = { key: float(value) if isinstance(value, int) else value for key, value in inputs.items() } model.y0S = jacp_ic(0.0, y_zero, inputs_float) if ics_only:"Finish solver set-up") return # Process rhs, algebraic, residual and event expressions # and wrap in callables rhs, jac_rhs, jacp_rhs, jac_rhs_action = process( model.concatenated_rhs, "RHS", vars_for_processing ) algebraic, jac_algebraic, jacp_algebraic, jac_algebraic_action = process( model.concatenated_algebraic, "algebraic", vars_for_processing ) # combine rhs and algebraic functions if len(model.rhs) == 0: rhs_algebraic = model.concatenated_algebraic elif len(model.algebraic) == 0: rhs_algebraic = model.concatenated_rhs else: rhs_algebraic = pybamm.NumpyConcatenation( model.concatenated_rhs, model.concatenated_algebraic ) ( rhs_algebraic, jac_rhs_algebraic, jacp_rhs_algebraic, jac_rhs_algebraic_action, ) = process(rhs_algebraic, "rhs_algebraic", vars_for_processing) ( casadi_switch_events, terminate_events, interpolant_extrapolation_events, discontinuity_events, ) = self._set_up_events(model, t_eval, inputs, vars_for_processing) # Add the solver attributes model.rhs_eval = rhs model.algebraic_eval = algebraic model.rhs_algebraic_eval = rhs_algebraic model.terminate_events_eval = terminate_events model.discontinuity_events_eval = discontinuity_events model.interpolant_extrapolation_events_eval = interpolant_extrapolation_events model.jac_rhs_eval = jac_rhs model.jac_rhs_action_eval = jac_rhs_action model.jacp_rhs_eval = jacp_rhs model.jac_algebraic_eval = jac_algebraic model.jac_algebraic_action_eval = jac_algebraic_action model.jacp_algebraic_eval = jacp_algebraic model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval = jac_rhs_algebraic model.jac_rhs_algebraic_action_eval = jac_rhs_algebraic_action model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval = jacp_rhs_algebraic # Save CasADi functions for the CasADi solver # Save CasADi functions for solvers that use CasADi # Note: when we pass to casadi the ode part of the problem must be in if isinstance(self.root_method, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver) or isinstance( self, (pybamm.CasadiSolver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver) ): # can use DAE solver to solve model with algebraic equations only if len(model.rhs) > 0: t_casadi = vars_for_processing["t_casadi"] y_and_S = vars_for_processing["y_and_S"] p_casadi_stacked = vars_for_processing["p_casadi_stacked"] mass_matrix_inv = casadi.MX(model.mass_matrix_inv.entries) explicit_rhs = mass_matrix_inv @ rhs( t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked ) model.casadi_rhs = casadi.Function( "rhs", [t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked], [explicit_rhs] ) model.casadi_switch_events = casadi_switch_events model.casadi_algebraic = algebraic model.casadi_sensitivities = jacp_rhs_algebraic model.casadi_sensitivities_rhs = jacp_rhs model.casadi_sensitivities_algebraic = jacp_algebraic # if output_variables specified then convert functions to casadi # expressions for evaluation within the respective solver self.computed_var_fcns = {} self.computed_dvar_dy_fcns = {} self.computed_dvar_dp_fcns = {} for key in self.output_variables: # ExplicitTimeIntegral's are not computed as part of the solver and # do not need to be converted if isinstance( model.variables_and_events[key], pybamm.ExplicitTimeIntegral ): continue # Generate Casadi function to calculate variable and derivates # to enable sensitivites to be computed within the solver ( self.computed_var_fcns[key], self.computed_dvar_dy_fcns[key], self.computed_dvar_dp_fcns[key], _, ) = process( model.variables_and_events[key], BaseSolver._wrangle_name(key), vars_for_processing, use_jacobian=True, return_jacp_stacked=True, )"Finish solver set-up")
@classmethod def _wrangle_name(cls, name: str) -> str: """ Wrangle a function name to replace special characters """ replacements = [ (" ", "_"), ("[", ""), ("]", ""), (".", "_"), ("-", "_"), ("(", ""), (")", ""), ("%", "prc"), (",", ""), (".", ""), ] name = "v_" + name.casefold() for string, replacement in replacements: name = name.replace(string, replacement) return name def _check_and_prepare_model_inplace(self, model, inputs, ics_only): """ Performs checks on the model and prepares it for solving. """ # Check model.algebraic for ode solvers if self.ode_solver is True and len(model.algebraic) > 0: raise pybamm.SolverError( f"Cannot use ODE solver '{}' to solve DAE model" ) # Check model.rhs for algebraic solvers if self.algebraic_solver is True and len(model.rhs) > 0: raise pybamm.SolverError( """Cannot use algebraic solver to solve model with time derivatives""" ) # casadi solver won't allow solving algebraic model so we have to raise an # error here if isinstance(self, pybamm.CasadiSolver) and len(model.rhs) == 0: raise pybamm.SolverError( "Cannot use CasadiSolver to solve algebraic model, " "use CasadiAlgebraicSolver instead" ) # Discretise model if it isn't already discretised # This only works with purely 0D models, as otherwise the mesh and spatial # method should be specified by the user if model.is_discretised is False: try: disc = pybamm.Discretisation() disc.process_model(model) except pybamm.DiscretisationError as e: raise pybamm.DiscretisationError( "Cannot automatically discretise model, " f"model should be discretised before solving ({e})" ) from e if ( isinstance(self, (pybamm.CasadiSolver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver)) ) and model.convert_to_format != "casadi": pybamm.logger.warning( f"Converting {} to CasADi for solving with CasADi solver" ) model.convert_to_format = "casadi" if ( isinstance(self.root_method, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver) and model.convert_to_format != "casadi" ): pybamm.logger.warning( f"Converting {} to CasADi for calculating ICs with CasADi" ) model.convert_to_format = "casadi" @staticmethod def _get_vars_for_processing(model, inputs, calculate_sensitivities_explicit): vars_for_processing = { "model": model, "calculate_sensitivities_explicit": calculate_sensitivities_explicit, } if model.convert_to_format != "casadi": # Create Jacobian from concatenated rhs and algebraic y = pybamm.StateVector(slice(0, model.len_rhs_and_alg)) # set up Jacobian object, for re-use of dict jacobian = pybamm.Jacobian() vars_for_processing.update({"y": y, "jacobian": jacobian}) return vars_for_processing else: # Convert model attributes to casadi t_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("t") # Create the symbolic state vectors y_diff = casadi.MX.sym("y_diff", model.len_rhs) y_alg = casadi.MX.sym("y_alg", model.len_alg) y_casadi = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg) p_casadi = {} for name, value in inputs.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name) else: p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, value.shape[0]) p_casadi_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in p_casadi.values()]) vars_for_processing.update( { "t_casadi": t_casadi, "y_diff": y_diff, "y_alg": y_alg, "y_casadi": y_casadi, "p_casadi": p_casadi, "p_casadi_stacked": p_casadi_stacked, } ) # sensitivity vectors if calculate_sensitivities_explicit: pS_casadi_stacked = casadi.vertcat( *[p_casadi[name] for name in model.calculate_sensitivities] ) S_x = casadi.MX.sym("S_x", model.len_rhs_sens) S_z = casadi.MX.sym("S_z", model.len_alg_sens) vars_for_processing.update( {"S_x": S_x, "S_z": S_z, "pS_casadi_stacked": pS_casadi_stacked} ) y_and_S = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, S_x, y_alg, S_z) else: y_and_S = y_casadi vars_for_processing.update({"y_and_S": y_and_S}) return vars_for_processing @staticmethod def _set_up_model_sensitivities_inplace( model, inputs, calculate_sensitivities_explicit ): """ Set up model attributes related to sensitivities. """ # if we are calculating sensitivities explicitly then the number of # equations will change if calculate_sensitivities_explicit: num_parameters = 0 for name in model.calculate_sensitivities: # if not a number, assume its a vector if isinstance(inputs[name], numbers.Number): num_parameters += 1 else: num_parameters += len(inputs[name]) model.len_rhs_sens = model.len_rhs * num_parameters model.len_alg_sens = model.len_alg * num_parameters else: model.len_rhs_sens = 0 model.len_alg_sens = 0 # if we will change the equations to include the explicit sensitivity # equations, then we also need to update the mass matrix and bounds. # First, we reset the mass matrix and bounds back to their original form # if they have been extended if model.bounds[0].shape[0] > model.len_rhs_and_alg: model.bounds = ( model.bounds[0][: model.len_rhs_and_alg], model.bounds[1][: model.len_rhs_and_alg], ) if ( model.mass_matrix is not None and model.mass_matrix.shape[0] > model.len_rhs_and_alg ): if model.mass_matrix_inv is not None: model.mass_matrix_inv = pybamm.Matrix( model.mass_matrix_inv.entries[: model.len_rhs, : model.len_rhs] ) model.mass_matrix = pybamm.Matrix( model.mass_matrix.entries[ : model.len_rhs_and_alg, : model.len_rhs_and_alg ] ) # now we can extend them by the number of sensitivity parameters # if needed if calculate_sensitivities_explicit: if model.len_rhs != 0: n_inputs = model.len_rhs_sens // model.len_rhs elif model.len_alg != 0: n_inputs = model.len_alg_sens // model.len_alg if model.bounds[0].shape[0] == model.len_rhs_and_alg: model.bounds = ( np.repeat(model.bounds[0], n_inputs + 1), np.repeat(model.bounds[1], n_inputs + 1), ) if ( model.mass_matrix is not None and model.mass_matrix.shape[0] == model.len_rhs_and_alg ): if model.mass_matrix_inv is not None: model.mass_matrix_inv = pybamm.Matrix( block_diag( [model.mass_matrix_inv.entries] * (n_inputs + 1), format="csr", ) ) model.mass_matrix = pybamm.Matrix( block_diag( [model.mass_matrix.entries] * (n_inputs + 1), format="csr" ) ) def _set_up_events(self, model, t_eval, inputs, vars_for_processing): # Check for heaviside and modulo functions in rhs and algebraic and add # discontinuity events if these exist. # Note: only checks for the case of t < X, t <= X, X < t, or X <= t, # but also accounts for the fact that t might be dimensional # Only do this for DAE models as ODE models can deal with discontinuities # fine if len(model.algebraic) > 0: for symbol in itertools.chain( model.concatenated_rhs.pre_order(), model.concatenated_algebraic.pre_order(), ): if isinstance(symbol, _Heaviside): found_t = False if symbol.right == pybamm.t: expr = symbol.left found_t = True elif symbol.left == pybamm.t: expr = symbol.right found_t = True # Update the events if the heaviside function depended on t if found_t: pybamm.Event( str(symbol), expr, pybamm.EventType.DISCONTINUITY, ) ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Modulo): if symbol.left == pybamm.t: expr = symbol.right if t_eval is None: N_events = 200 else: N_events = t_eval[-1] // expr.value for i in np.arange(N_events): pybamm.Event( str(symbol), expr * pybamm.Scalar(i + 1), pybamm.EventType.DISCONTINUITY, ) ) casadi_switch_events = [] terminate_events = [] interpolant_extrapolation_events = [] discontinuity_events = [] for n, event in enumerate( if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.DISCONTINUITY: # discontinuity events are evaluated before the solver is called, # so don't need to process them discontinuity_events.append(event) elif event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.SWITCH: if ( isinstance(self, pybamm.CasadiSolver) and self.mode == "fast with events" and model.algebraic != {} ): # Save some events to casadi_switch_events for the 'fast with # events' mode of the casadi solver # We only need to do this if the model is a DAE model # see #1082 k = 20 # address numpy 1.25 deprecation warning: array should have # ndim=0 before conversion init_sign = float( np.sign( event.evaluate(0, model.y0.full(), inputs=inputs) ).item() ) # We create a sigmoid for each event which will multiply the # rhs. Doing * 2 - 1 ensures that when the event is crossed, # the sigmoid is zero. Hence the rhs is zero and the solution # stays constant for the rest of the simulation period # We can then cut off the part after the event was crossed event_sigmoid = ( pybamm.sigmoid(0, init_sign * event.expression, k) * 2 - 1 ) event_casadi = process( event_sigmoid, f"event_{n}", vars_for_processing, use_jacobian=False, )[0] # use the actual casadi object as this will go into the rhs casadi_switch_events.append(event_casadi) else: # use the function call event_call = process( event.expression, f"event_{n}", vars_for_processing, use_jacobian=False, )[0] if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.TERMINATION: terminate_events.append(event_call) elif event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.INTERPOLANT_EXTRAPOLATION: interpolant_extrapolation_events.append(event_call) return ( casadi_switch_events, terminate_events, interpolant_extrapolation_events, discontinuity_events, ) def _set_initial_conditions(self, model, time, inputs_dict, update_rhs): """ Set initial conditions for the model. This is skipped if the solver is an algebraic solver (since this would make the algebraic solver redundant), and if the model doesn't have any algebraic equations (since there are no initial conditions to be calculated in this case). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model for which to calculate initial conditions. inputs_dict : dict Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving update_rhs : bool Whether to update the rhs. True for 'solve', False for 'step'. """ y0_total_size = ( model.len_rhs + model.len_rhs_sens + model.len_alg + model.len_alg_sens ) y_zero = np.zeros((y0_total_size, 1)) if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": # stack inputs inputs = casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in inputs_dict.values()]) else: inputs = inputs_dict if self.algebraic_solver is True: # Don't update model.y0 return elif len(model.algebraic) == 0: if update_rhs is True: # Recalculate initial conditions for the rhs equations y0 = model.initial_conditions_eval(time, y_zero, inputs) else: # Don't update model.y0 return else: if update_rhs is True: # Recalculate initial conditions for the rhs equations y0_from_inputs = model.initial_conditions_eval(time, y_zero, inputs) # Reuse old solution for algebraic equations y0_from_model = model.y0 len_rhs = model.len_rhs # update model.y0, which is used for initialising the algebraic solver if len_rhs == 0: model.y0 = y0_from_model elif isinstance(y0_from_inputs, casadi.DM): model.y0 = casadi.vertcat( y0_from_inputs[:len_rhs], y0_from_model[len_rhs:] ) else: model.y0 = np.vstack( (y0_from_inputs[:len_rhs], y0_from_model[len_rhs:]) ) y0 = self.calculate_consistent_state(model, time, inputs_dict) # Make y0 a function of inputs if doing symbolic with casadi model.y0 = y0
[docs] def calculate_consistent_state(self, model, time=0, inputs=None): """ Calculate consistent state for the algebraic equations through root-finding. model.y0 is used as the initial guess for rootfinding Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model for which to calculate initial conditions. time : float The time at which to calculate the states inputs: dict, optional Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving Returns ------- y0_consistent : array-like, same shape as y0_guess Initial conditions that are consistent with the algebraic equations (roots of the algebraic equations). If self.root_method == None then returns model.y0. """ pybamm.logger.debug("Start calculating consistent states") if self.root_method is None: return model.y0 try: root_sol = self.root_method._integrate(model, np.array([time]), inputs) except pybamm.SolverError as e: raise pybamm.SolverError( f"Could not find consistent states: {e.args[0]}" ) from e pybamm.logger.debug("Found consistent states") self.check_extrapolation(root_sol, y0 = root_sol.all_ys[0] return y0
[docs] def solve( self, model, t_eval=None, inputs=None, nproc=None, calculate_sensitivities=False, ): """ Execute the solver setup and calculate the solution of the model at specified times. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. Must have attributes rhs and initial_conditions. All calls to solve must pass in the same model or an error is raised t_eval : None, list or ndarray, optional The times (in seconds) at which to compute the solution. Defaults to None. inputs : dict or list, optional A dictionary or list of dictionaries describing any input parameters to pass to the model when solving nproc : int, optional Number of processes to use when solving for more than one set of input parameters. Defaults to value returned by "os.cpu_count()". calculate_sensitivities : list of str or bool, optional Whether the solver calculates sensitivities of all input parameters. Defaults to False. If only a subset of sensitivities are required, can also pass a list of input parameter names Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Solution` or list of :class:`pybamm.Solution` objects. If type of `inputs` is `list`, return a list of corresponding :class:`pybamm.Solution` objects. Raises ------ :class:`pybamm.ModelError` If an empty model is passed (`model.rhs = {}` and `model.algebraic={}` and `model.variables = {}`) :class:`RuntimeError` If multiple calls to `solve` pass in different models """"Start solving {} with {}") # get a list-only version of calculate_sensitivities if isinstance(calculate_sensitivities, bool): if calculate_sensitivities: calculate_sensitivities_list = [p for p in inputs.keys()] else: calculate_sensitivities_list = [] else: calculate_sensitivities_list = calculate_sensitivities # Make sure model isn't empty if len(model.rhs) == 0 and len(model.algebraic) == 0: if not isinstance(self, pybamm.DummySolver): # check for a discretised model without original parameters if not ( model.concatenated_rhs is not None or model.concatenated_algebraic is not None ): raise pybamm.ModelError( "Cannot solve empty model, use `pybamm.DummySolver` instead" ) # t_eval can only be None if the solver is an algebraic solver. In that case # set it to 0 if t_eval is None: if self.algebraic_solver is True: t_eval = np.array([0]) else: raise ValueError("t_eval cannot be None") # If t_eval is provided as [t0, tf] return the solution at 100 points elif isinstance(t_eval, list): if len(t_eval) == 1 and self.algebraic_solver is True: t_eval = np.array(t_eval) elif len(t_eval) != 2: raise pybamm.SolverError( "'t_eval' can be provided as an array of times at which to " "return the solution, or as a list [t0, tf] where t0 is the " "initial time and tf is the final time, but has been provided " f"as a list of length {len(t_eval)}." ) else: t_eval = np.linspace(t_eval[0], t_eval[-1], 100) # Make sure t_eval is monotonic if (np.diff(t_eval) < 0).any(): raise pybamm.SolverError("t_eval must increase monotonically") # Set up inputs # # Argument "inputs" can be either a list of input dicts or # a single dict. The remaining of this function is only working # with variable "input_list", which is a list of dictionaries. # If "inputs" is a single dict, "inputs_list" is a list of only one dict. inputs_list = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else [inputs] model_inputs_list = [ self._set_up_model_inputs(model, inputs) for inputs in inputs_list ] # Check that calculate_sensitivites have not been updated calculate_sensitivities_list.sort() if not hasattr(model, "calculate_sensitivities"): model.calculate_sensitivities = [] model.calculate_sensitivities.sort() if calculate_sensitivities_list != model.calculate_sensitivities: self._model_set_up.pop(model, None) # CasadiSolver caches its integrators using model, so delete this too if isinstance(self, pybamm.CasadiSolver): self.integrators.pop(model, None) # save sensitivity parameters so we can identify them later on # (FYI: this is used in the Solution class) model.calculate_sensitivities = calculate_sensitivities_list # Set up (if not done already) timer = pybamm.Timer() if model not in self._model_set_up: if len(self._model_set_up) > 0: existing_model = next(iter(self._model_set_up)) raise RuntimeError( "This solver has already been initialised for model " f'"{}". Please create a separate ' "solver for this model" ) # It is assumed that when len(inputs_list) > 1, model set # up (initial condition, time-scale and length-scale) does # not depend on input parameters. Thefore only `model_inputs[0]` # is passed to `set_up`. # See self.set_up(model, model_inputs_list[0], t_eval) self._model_set_up.update( {model: {"initial conditions": model.concatenated_initial_conditions}} ) else: ics_set_up = self._model_set_up[model]["initial conditions"] # Check that initial conditions have not been updated if ics_set_up != model.concatenated_initial_conditions: if self.algebraic_solver is True: # For an algebraic solver, we don't need to set up the initial # conditions function and we can just evaluate # model.concatenated_initial_conditions model.y0 = model.concatenated_initial_conditions.evaluate() else: # If the new initial conditions are different # and cannot be evaluated directly, set up again self.set_up(model, model_inputs_list[0], t_eval, ics_only=True) self._model_set_up[model]["initial conditions"] = ( model.concatenated_initial_conditions ) set_up_time = timer.time() timer.reset() # (Re-)calculate consistent initial conditions # Assuming initial conditions do not depend on input parameters # when len(inputs_list) > 1, only `model_inputs_list[0]` # is passed to `_set_initial_conditions`. # See if len(inputs_list) > 1: all_inputs_names = set( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [model_inputs.keys() for model_inputs in model_inputs_list] ) ) initial_conditions_node_names = set( [ for it in model.concatenated_initial_conditions.pre_order()] ) if all_inputs_names.issubset(initial_conditions_node_names): raise pybamm.SolverError( "Input parameters cannot appear in expression " "for initial conditions." ) self._set_initial_conditions( model, t_eval[0], model_inputs_list[0], update_rhs=True ) # Check initial conditions don't violate events self._check_events_with_initial_conditions(t_eval, model, model_inputs_list[0]) # Process discontinuities ( start_indices, end_indices, t_eval, ) = self._get_discontinuity_start_end_indices(model, inputs, t_eval) # Integrate separately over each time segment and accumulate into the solution # object, restarting the solver at each discontinuity (and recalculating a # consistent state afterwards if a DAE) old_y0 = model.y0 solutions = None for start_index, end_index in zip(start_indices, end_indices): pybamm.logger.verbose( f"Calling solver for {t_eval[start_index]} < t < {t_eval[end_index - 1]}" ) ninputs = len(model_inputs_list) if ninputs == 1: new_solution = self._integrate( model, t_eval[start_index:end_index], model_inputs_list[0], ) new_solutions = [new_solution] else: if model.convert_to_format == "jax": # Jax can parallelize over the inputs efficiently new_solutions = self._integrate( model, t_eval[start_index:end_index], model_inputs_list, ) else: with mp.get_context(self._mp_context).Pool(processes=nproc) as p: new_solutions = p.starmap( self._integrate, zip( [model] * ninputs, [t_eval[start_index:end_index]] * ninputs, model_inputs_list, ), ) p.close() p.join() # Setting the solve time for each segment. # pybamm.Solution.__add__ assumes attribute solve_time. solve_time = timer.time() for sol in new_solutions: sol.solve_time = solve_time if start_index == start_indices[0]: solutions = [sol for sol in new_solutions] else: for i, new_solution in enumerate(new_solutions): solutions[i] = solutions[i] + new_solution if solutions[0].termination != "final time": break if end_index != len(t_eval): # setup for next integration subsection last_state = solutions[0].y[:, -1] # update y0 (for DAE solvers, this updates the initial guess for the # rootfinder) model.y0 = last_state if len(model.algebraic) > 0: model.y0 = self.calculate_consistent_state( model, t_eval[end_index], model_inputs_list[0] ) solve_time = timer.time() for i, solution in enumerate(solutions): # Check if extrapolation occurred self.check_extrapolation(solution, # Identify the event that caused termination and update the solution to # include the event time and state solutions[i], termination = self.get_termination_reason( solution, ) # Assign times solutions[i].set_up_time = set_up_time # all solutions get the same solve time, but their integration time # will be different (see solutions[i].solve_time = solve_time # Restore old y0 model.y0 = old_y0 # Report times if len(solutions) == 1:"Finish solving {} ({termination})") f"Set-up time: {solutions[0].set_up_time}, Solve time: {solutions[0].solve_time} (of which integration time: {solutions[0].integration_time}), " f"Total time: {solutions[0].total_time}" ) else:"Finish solving {} for all inputs") f"Set-up time: {solutions[0].set_up_time}, Solve time: {solutions[0].solve_time}, Total time: {solutions[0].total_time}" ) # Raise error if solutions[0] only contains one timestep (except for algebraic # solvers, where we may only expect one time in the solution) if ( self.algebraic_solver is False and len(solutions[0].all_ts) == 1 and len(solutions[0].all_ts[0]) == 1 ): raise pybamm.SolverError( "Solution time vector has length 1. " "Check whether simulation terminated too early." ) # Return solution(s) if ninputs == 1: return solutions[0] else: return solutions
@staticmethod def _get_discontinuity_start_end_indices(model, inputs, t_eval): if not model.discontinuity_events_eval: pybamm.logger.verbose("No discontinuity events found") return [0], [len(t_eval)], t_eval # Calculate discontinuities discontinuities = [ # Assuming that discontinuities do not depend on # input parameters when len(input_list) > 1, only # `inputs` is passed to `evaluate`. # See event.expression.evaluate(inputs=inputs) for event in model.discontinuity_events_eval ] # make sure they are increasing in time discontinuities = sorted(discontinuities) # remove any identical discontinuities discontinuities = [ v for i, v in enumerate(discontinuities) if ( i == len(discontinuities) - 1 or discontinuities[i] < discontinuities[i + 1] ) and v > 0 ] # remove any discontinuities after end of t_eval discontinuities = [v for v in discontinuities if v < t_eval[-1]] pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discontinuity events found at t = {discontinuities}") if isinstance(inputs, list): raise pybamm.SolverError( "Cannot solve for a list of input parameters" " sets with discontinuities" ) # insert time points around discontinuities in t_eval # keep track of subsections to integrate by storing start and end indices start_indices = [0] end_indices = [] eps = sys.float_info.epsilon for dtime in discontinuities: dindex = np.searchsorted(t_eval, dtime, side="left") end_indices.append(dindex + 1) start_indices.append(dindex + 1) if dtime * (1 - eps) < t_eval[dindex] < dtime * (1 + eps): t_eval[dindex] *= 1 + eps t_eval = np.insert(t_eval, dindex, dtime * (1 - eps)) else: t_eval = np.insert( t_eval, dindex, [dtime * (1 - eps), dtime * (1 + eps)] ) end_indices.append(len(t_eval)) return start_indices, end_indices, t_eval @staticmethod def _check_events_with_initial_conditions(t_eval, model, inputs_dict): num_terminate_events = len(model.terminate_events_eval) if num_terminate_events == 0: return if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": inputs = casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in inputs_dict.values()]) events_eval = [None] * num_terminate_events for idx, event in enumerate(model.terminate_events_eval): if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": event_eval = event(t_eval[0], model.y0, inputs) elif model.convert_to_format in ["python", "jax"]: event_eval = event(t=t_eval[0], y=model.y0, inputs=inputs_dict) events_eval[idx] = event_eval events_eval = np.array(events_eval) if any(events_eval < 0): # find the events that were triggered by initial conditions termination_events = [ x for x in if x.event_type == pybamm.EventType.TERMINATION ] idxs = np.where(events_eval < 0)[0] event_names = [termination_events[idx].name for idx in idxs] raise pybamm.SolverError( f"Events {event_names} are non-positive at initial conditions" )
[docs] def step( self, old_solution, model, dt, t_eval=None, npts=None, inputs=None, save=True, ): """ Step the solution of the model forward by a given time increment. The first time this method is called it executes the necessary setup by calling `self.set_up(model)`. Parameters ---------- old_solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` or None The previous solution to be added to. If `None`, a new solution is created. model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. Must have attributes rhs and initial_conditions dt : numeric type The timestep (in seconds) over which to step the solution t_eval : list or numpy.ndarray, optional An array of times at which to return the solution during the step (Note: t_eval is the time measured from the start of the step, so should start at 0 and end at dt). By default, the solution is returned at t0 and t0 + dt. npts : deprecated inputs : dict, optional Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving save : bool, optional Save solution with all previous timesteps. Defaults to True. Raises ------ :class:`pybamm.ModelError` If an empty model is passed (`model.rhs = {}` and `model.algebraic = {}` and `model.variables = {}`) """ if old_solution is None: old_solution = pybamm.EmptySolution() if not ( isinstance(old_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution) or old_solution.termination == "final time" or "[experiment]" in old_solution.termination ): # Return same solution as an event has already been triggered # With hack to allow stepping past experiment current / voltage cut-off return old_solution # Make sure model isn't empty if len(model.rhs) == 0 and len(model.algebraic) == 0: if not isinstance(self, pybamm.DummySolver): raise pybamm.ModelError( "Cannot step empty model, use `pybamm.DummySolver` instead" ) # Make sure dt is greater than the offset step_start_offset = pybamm.settings.step_start_offset if dt <= step_start_offset: raise pybamm.SolverError( f"Step time must be at least {pybamm.TimerTime(step_start_offset)}" ) # Raise deprecation warning for npts and convert it to t_eval if npts is not None: warnings.warn( "The 'npts' parameter is deprecated, use 't_eval' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) t_eval = np.linspace(0, dt, npts) if t_eval is not None: # Checking if t_eval lies within range if t_eval[0] != 0 or t_eval[-1] != dt: raise pybamm.SolverError( "Elements inside array t_eval must lie in the closed interval 0 to dt" ) else: t_eval = np.array([0, dt]) t_start = old_solution.t[-1] t_eval = t_start + t_eval t_end = t_start + dt if t_start == 0: t_start_shifted = t_start else: # offset t_start by t_start_offset (default 1 ns) # to avoid repeated times in the solution # from having the same time at the end of the previous step and # the start of the next step t_start_shifted = t_start + step_start_offset t_eval[0] = t_start_shifted # Set timer timer = pybamm.Timer() # Set up inputs model_inputs = self._set_up_model_inputs(model, inputs) first_step_this_model = False if model not in self._model_set_up: first_step_this_model = True if len(self._model_set_up) > 0: existing_model = next(iter(self._model_set_up)) raise RuntimeError( "This solver has already been initialised for model " f'"{}". Please create a separate ' "solver for this model" ) self.set_up(model, model_inputs) self._model_set_up.update( {model: {"initial conditions": model.concatenated_initial_conditions}} ) if ( isinstance(old_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution) and old_solution.termination is None ): pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Start stepping {} with {}") if isinstance(old_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution): if not first_step_this_model: # reset y0 to original initial conditions self.set_up(model, model_inputs, ics_only=True) else: if old_solution.all_models[-1] == model: # initialize with old solution model.y0 = old_solution.all_ys[-1][:, -1] else: _, concatenated_initial_conditions = model.set_initial_conditions_from( old_solution, return_type="ics" ) model.y0 = concatenated_initial_conditions.evaluate( 0, inputs=model_inputs ) set_up_time = timer.time() # (Re-)calculate consistent initial conditions self._set_initial_conditions( model, t_start_shifted, model_inputs, update_rhs=False ) # Check initial conditions don't violate events self._check_events_with_initial_conditions(t_eval, model, model_inputs) # Step pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Stepping for {t_start_shifted:.0f} < t < {t_end:.0f}") timer.reset() solution = self._integrate(model, t_eval, model_inputs) solution.solve_time = timer.time() # Check if extrapolation occurred self.check_extrapolation(solution, # Identify the event that caused termination and update the solution to # include the event time and state solution, termination = self.get_termination_reason(solution, # Assign setup time solution.set_up_time = set_up_time # Report times pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Finish stepping {} ({termination})") pybamm.logger.verbose( f"Set-up time: {solution.set_up_time}, Step time: {solution.solve_time} (of which integration time: {solution.integration_time}), " f"Total time: {solution.total_time}" ) # Return solution if save is False: return solution else: return old_solution + solution
[docs] @staticmethod def get_termination_reason(solution, events): """ Identify the cause for termination. In particular, if the solver terminated due to an event, (try to) pinpoint which event was responsible. If an event occurs the event time and state are added to the solution object. Note that the current approach (evaluating all the events and then finding which one is smallest at the final timestep) is pretty crude, but is the easiest one that works for all the different solvers. Parameters ---------- solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` The solution object events : dict Dictionary of events """ termination_events = [ x for x in events if x.event_type == pybamm.EventType.TERMINATION ] if solution.termination == "final time": return ( solution, "the solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval", ) elif solution.termination == "event": pybamm.logger.debug("Start post-processing events") if solution.closest_event_idx is not None: solution.termination = ( f"event: {termination_events[solution.closest_event_idx].name}" ) else: # Get final event value final_event_values = {} for event in termination_events: final_event_values[] = event.expression.evaluate( solution.t_event, solution.y_event, inputs=solution.all_inputs[-1], ) termination_event = min(final_event_values, key=final_event_values.get) # Check that it's actually an event if final_event_values[termination_event] > 0.1: # pragma: no cover # Hard to test this raise pybamm.SolverError( "Could not determine which event was triggered " "(possibly due to NaNs)" ) # Add the event to the solution object solution.termination = f"event: {termination_event}" # Update t, y and inputs to include event time and state # Note: if the final entry of t is equal to the event time we skip # this (having duplicate entries causes an error later in ProcessedVariable) if solution.t_event != solution.all_ts[-1][-1]: event_sol = pybamm.Solution( solution.t_event, solution.y_event, solution.all_models[-1], solution.all_inputs[-1], solution.t_event, solution.y_event, solution.termination, ) event_sol.solve_time = 0 event_sol.integration_time = 0 solution = solution + event_sol pybamm.logger.debug("Finish post-processing events") return solution, solution.termination
[docs] def check_extrapolation(self, solution, events): """ Check if extrapolation occurred for any of the interpolants. Note that with the current approach (evaluating all the events at the solution times) some extrapolations might not be found if they only occurred for a small period of time. Parameters ---------- solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` The solution object events : dict Dictionary of events """ extrap_events = [] if any( event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.INTERPOLANT_EXTRAPOLATION for event in events ): last_state = solution.last_state t = last_state.all_ts[0][0] y = last_state.all_ys[0][:, 0] inputs = last_state.all_inputs[0] if isinstance(y, casadi.DM): y = y.full() for event in events: if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.INTERPOLANT_EXTRAPOLATION: if event.expression.evaluate(t, y, inputs=inputs) < self.extrap_tol: extrap_events.append( if any(extrap_events): if self._on_extrapolation == "warn": name = solution.all_models[-1].name warnings.warn( f"While solving {name} extrapolation occurred " f"for {extrap_events}", pybamm.SolverWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Add the event dictionary to the solution object solution.extrap_events = extrap_events elif self._on_extrapolation == "error": raise pybamm.SolverError( "Solver failed because the following " f"interpolation bounds were exceeded: {extrap_events}. " "You may need to provide additional interpolation points " "outside these bounds." )
def get_platform_context(self, system_type: str): # Set context for parallel processing depending on the platform if system_type.lower() in ["linux", "darwin"]: return "fork" return "spawn" @staticmethod def _set_up_model_inputs(model, inputs): """Set up input parameters""" inputs = inputs or {} # Go through all input parameters that can be found in the model # Only keep the ones that are actually used in the model # If any of them are *not* provided by "inputs", raise an error inputs_in_model = {} for input_param in model.input_parameters: name = if name in inputs: inputs_in_model[name] = inputs[name] else: raise pybamm.SolverError(f"No value provided for input '{name}'") inputs = inputs_in_model ordered_inputs_names = list(inputs.keys()) ordered_inputs_names.sort() ordered_inputs = {name: inputs[name] for name in ordered_inputs_names} return ordered_inputs
def process( symbol, name, vars_for_processing, use_jacobian=None, return_jacp_stacked=None ): """ Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` expression tree to convert name: str function evaluators created will have this base name use_jacobian: bool, optional whether to return Jacobian functions return_jacp_stacked: bool, optional returns Jacobian function wrt stacked parameters instead of jacp Returns ------- func: :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorPython` or :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorJax` or :class:`casadi.Function` evaluator for the function $f(y, t, p)$ given by `symbol` jac: :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorPython` or :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorJaxJacobian` or :class:`casadi.Function` evaluator for the Jacobian $\\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial y}$ of the function given by `symbol` jacp: :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorPython` or :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorJaxSensitivities` or :class:`casadi.Function` evaluator for the parameter sensitivities $\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial p}$ of the function given by `symbol` jac_action: :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorPython` or :class:`pybamm.EvaluatorJax` or :class:`casadi.Function` evaluator for product of the Jacobian with a vector $v$, i.e. $\\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial y} * v$ """ def report(string): # don't log event conversion if "event" not in string: pybamm.logger.verbose(string) model = vars_for_processing["model"] if use_jacobian is None: use_jacobian = model.use_jacobian if model.convert_to_format == "jax": report(f"Converting {name} to jax") func = pybamm.EvaluatorJax(symbol) jacp = None if model.calculate_sensitivities: report( f"Calculating sensitivities for {name} with respect " f"to parameters {model.calculate_sensitivities} using jax" ) jacp = func.get_sensitivities() if use_jacobian: report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name} using jax") jac = func.get_jacobian() jac_action = func.get_jacobian_action() else: jac = None jac_action = None elif model.convert_to_format != "casadi": y = vars_for_processing["y"] jacobian = vars_for_processing["jacobian"] # Process with pybamm functions, converting # to python evaluator if model.calculate_sensitivities: report( f"Calculating sensitivities for {name} with respect " f"to parameters {model.calculate_sensitivities}" ) jacp_dict = { p: symbol.diff(pybamm.InputParameter(p)) for p in model.calculate_sensitivities } report(f"Converting sensitivities for {name} to python") jacp_dict = { p: pybamm.EvaluatorPython(jacp) for p, jacp in jacp_dict.items() } # jacp should be a function that returns a dict of sensitivities def jacp(*args, **kwargs): return {k: v(*args, **kwargs) for k, v in jacp_dict.items()} else: jacp = None if use_jacobian: report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name}") jac = jacobian.jac(symbol, y) report(f"Converting jacobian for {name} to python") jac = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(jac) # cannot do jacobian action efficiently for now jac_action = None else: jac = None jac_action = None report(f"Converting {name} to python") func = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(symbol) else: t_casadi = vars_for_processing["t_casadi"] y_casadi = vars_for_processing["y_casadi"] p_casadi = vars_for_processing["p_casadi"] y_and_S = vars_for_processing["y_and_S"] p_casadi_stacked = vars_for_processing["p_casadi_stacked"] calculate_sensitivities_explicit = vars_for_processing[ "calculate_sensitivities_explicit" ] # Process with CasADi report(f"Converting {name} to CasADi") casadi_expression = symbol.to_casadi(t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=p_casadi) # Add sensitivity vectors to the rhs and algebraic equations jacp = None if calculate_sensitivities_explicit: # The formulation is as per Park, S., Kato, D., Gima, Z., Klein, R., # & Moura, S. (2018). Optimal experimental design for # parameterization of an electrochemical lithium-ion battery model. # Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(7), A1309.". See #1100 # for details pS_casadi_stacked = vars_for_processing["pS_casadi_stacked"] y_diff = vars_for_processing["y_diff"] y_alg = vars_for_processing["y_alg"] S_x = vars_for_processing["S_x"] S_z = vars_for_processing["S_z"] if name == "RHS" and model.len_rhs > 0: report( "Creating explicit forward sensitivity equations " "for rhs using CasADi" ) df_dx = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, y_diff) df_dp = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, pS_casadi_stacked) S_x_mat = S_x.reshape((model.len_rhs, pS_casadi_stacked.shape[0])) if model.len_alg == 0: S_rhs = (df_dx @ S_x_mat + df_dp).reshape((-1, 1)) else: df_dz = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, y_alg) S_z_mat = S_z.reshape((model.len_alg, pS_casadi_stacked.shape[0])) S_rhs = (df_dx @ S_x_mat + df_dz @ S_z_mat + df_dp).reshape((-1, 1)) casadi_expression = casadi.vertcat(casadi_expression, S_rhs) if name == "algebraic" and model.len_alg > 0: report( "Creating explicit forward sensitivity equations " "for algebraic using CasADi" ) dg_dz = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, y_alg) dg_dp = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, pS_casadi_stacked) S_z_mat = S_z.reshape((model.len_alg, pS_casadi_stacked.shape[0])) if model.len_rhs == 0: S_alg = (dg_dz @ S_z_mat + dg_dp).reshape((-1, 1)) else: dg_dx = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, y_diff) S_x_mat = S_x.reshape((model.len_rhs, pS_casadi_stacked.shape[0])) S_alg = (dg_dx @ S_x_mat + dg_dz @ S_z_mat + dg_dp).reshape((-1, 1)) casadi_expression = casadi.vertcat(casadi_expression, S_alg) if name == "initial_conditions": if model.len_rhs == 0 or model.len_alg == 0: S_0 = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, pS_casadi_stacked).reshape( (-1, 1) ) casadi_expression = casadi.vertcat(casadi_expression, S_0) else: x0 = casadi_expression[: model.len_rhs] z0 = casadi_expression[model.len_rhs :] Sx_0 = casadi.jacobian(x0, pS_casadi_stacked).reshape((-1, 1)) Sz_0 = casadi.jacobian(z0, pS_casadi_stacked).reshape((-1, 1)) casadi_expression = casadi.vertcat(x0, Sx_0, z0, Sz_0) elif model.calculate_sensitivities: report( f"Calculating sensitivities for {name} with respect " f"to parameters {model.calculate_sensitivities} using " "CasADi" ) # Compute derivate wrt p-stacked (can be passed to solver to # compute sensitivities online) if return_jacp_stacked: jacp = casadi.Function( f"d{name}_dp", [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked], [casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, p_casadi_stacked)], ) else: # WARNING, jacp for convert_to_format=casadi does not return a dict # instead it returns multiple return values, one for each param # TODO: would it be faster to do the jacobian wrt pS_casadi_stacked? jacp = casadi.Function( name + "_jacp", [t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked], [ casadi.densify( casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, p_casadi[pname]) ) for pname in model.calculate_sensitivities ], ) if use_jacobian: report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name} using CasADi") jac_casadi = casadi.jacobian(casadi_expression, y_and_S) jac = casadi.Function( name + "_jac", [t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked], [jac_casadi], ) v = casadi.MX.sym( "v", model.len_rhs_and_alg + model.len_rhs_sens + model.len_alg_sens, ) jac_action_casadi = casadi.densify( casadi.jtimes(casadi_expression, y_and_S, v) ) jac_action = casadi.Function( name + "_jac_action", [t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked, v], [jac_action_casadi], ) else: jac = None jac_action = None func = casadi.Function( name, [t_casadi, y_and_S, p_casadi_stacked], [casadi_expression] ) return func, jac, jacp, jac_action