Source code for pybamm.solvers.solution

# Solution class
import casadi
import json
import numbers
import numpy as np
import pickle
import pybamm
import pandas as pd
from import savemat
from functools import cached_property

class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Numpy serialiser helper class that converts numpy arrays to a list

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
        # won't be called since we only need to convert numpy arrays
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)  # pragma: no cover

[docs] class Solution: """ Class containing the solution of, and various attributes associated with, a PyBaMM model. Parameters ---------- all_ts : :class:`numpy.array`, size (n,) (or list of these) A one-dimensional array containing the times at which the solution is evaluated. A list of times can be provided instead to initialize a solution with sub-solutions. all_ys : :class:`numpy.array`, size (m, n) (or list of these) A two-dimensional array containing the values of the solution. y[i, :] is the vector of solutions at time t[i]. A list of ys can be provided instead to initialize a solution with sub-solutions. all_models : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model that was used to calculate the solution. A list of models can be provided instead to initialize a solution with sub-solutions that have been calculated using those models. all_inputs : dict (or list of these) The inputs that were used to calculate the solution A list of inputs can be provided instead to initialize a solution with sub-solutions. t_event : :class:`numpy.array`, size (1,) A zero-dimensional array containing the time at which the event happens. y_event : :class:`numpy.array`, size (m,) A one-dimensional array containing the value of the solution at the time when the event happens. termination : str String to indicate why the solution terminated sensitivities: bool or dict True if sensitivities included as the solution of the explicit forwards equations. False if no sensitivities included/wanted. Dict if sensitivities are provided as a dict of {parameter: sensitivities} pairs. """ def __init__( self, all_ts, all_ys, all_models, all_inputs, t_event=None, y_event=None, termination="final time", sensitivities=False, check_solution=True, ): if not isinstance(all_ts, list): all_ts = [all_ts] if not isinstance(all_ys, list): all_ys = [all_ys] if not isinstance(all_models, list): all_models = [all_models] self._all_ts = all_ts self._all_ys = all_ys self._all_ys_and_sens = all_ys self._all_models = all_models # Set up inputs if not isinstance(all_inputs, list): all_inputs_copy = dict(all_inputs) for key, value in all_inputs_copy.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): all_inputs_copy[key] = np.array([value]) self.all_inputs = [all_inputs_copy] else: self.all_inputs = all_inputs self.sensitivities = sensitivities self._t_event = t_event self._y_event = y_event self._termination = termination # Check no ys are too large if check_solution: self.check_ys_are_not_too_large() # Events self._t_event = t_event self._y_event = y_event self._termination = termination self.closest_event_idx = None # Initialize times self.set_up_time = None self.solve_time = None self.integration_time = None # initialize empty variables and data self._variables = pybamm.FuzzyDict() = pybamm.FuzzyDict() # Add self as sub-solution for compatibility with ProcessedVariable self._sub_solutions = [self] # initialize empty cycles self._cycles = [] # Initialize empty summary variables self._summary_variables = None # Initialise initial start time self.initial_start_time = None # Solution now uses CasADi pybamm.citations.register("Andersson2019") def extract_explicit_sensitivities(self): # if we got here, we haven't set y yet self.set_y() # extract sensitivities from full y solution self._y, self._sensitivities = self._extract_explicit_sensitivities( self.all_models[0], self.y, self.t, self.all_inputs[0] ) # make sure we remove all sensitivities from all_ys for index, (model, ys, ts, inputs) in enumerate( zip(self.all_models, self.all_ys, self.all_ts, self.all_inputs) ): self._all_ys[index], _ = self._extract_explicit_sensitivities( model, ys, ts, inputs ) def _extract_explicit_sensitivities(self, model, y, t_eval, inputs): """ given a model and a solution y, extracts the sensitivities Parameters -------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` A model that has been already setup by this base solver y: ndarray The solution of the full explicit sensitivity equations t_eval: ndarray The evaluation times inputs: dict parameter inputs Returns ------- y: ndarray The solution of the ode/dae in model sensitivities: dict of (string: ndarray) A dictionary of parameter names, and the corresponding solution of the sensitivity equations """ n_states = model.len_rhs_and_alg n_rhs = model.len_rhs n_alg = model.len_alg # Get the point where the algebraic equations start if model.len_rhs != 0: n_p = model.len_rhs_sens // model.len_rhs else: n_p = model.len_alg_sens // model.len_alg len_rhs_and_sens = model.len_rhs + model.len_rhs_sens n_t = len(t_eval) # y gets the part of the solution vector that correspond to the # actual ODE/DAE solution # save sensitivities as a dictionary # first save the whole sensitivity matrix # reshape using Fortran order to get the right array: # t0_x0_p0, t0_x0_p1, ..., t0_x0_pn # t0_x1_p0, t0_x1_p1, ..., t0_x1_pn # ... # t0_xn_p0, t0_xn_p1, ..., t0_xn_pn # t1_x0_p0, t1_x0_p1, ..., t1_x0_pn # t1_x1_p0, t1_x1_p1, ..., t1_x1_pn # ... # t1_xn_p0, t1_xn_p1, ..., t1_xn_pn # ... # tn_x0_p0, tn_x0_p1, ..., tn_x0_pn # tn_x1_p0, tn_x1_p1, ..., tn_x1_pn # ... # tn_xn_p0, tn_xn_p1, ..., tn_xn_pn # 1, Extract rhs and alg sensitivities and reshape into 3D matrices # with shape (n_p, n_states, n_t) if isinstance(y, casadi.DM): y_full = y.full() else: y_full = y ode_sens = y_full[n_rhs:len_rhs_and_sens, :].reshape(n_p, n_rhs, n_t) alg_sens = y_full[len_rhs_and_sens + n_alg :, :].reshape(n_p, n_alg, n_t) # 2. Concatenate into a single 3D matrix with shape (n_p, n_states, n_t) # i.e. along first axis full_sens_matrix = np.concatenate([ode_sens, alg_sens], axis=1) # Transpose and reshape into a (n_states * n_t, n_p) matrix full_sens_matrix = full_sens_matrix.transpose(2, 1, 0).reshape( n_t * n_states, n_p ) # Save the full sensitivity matrix sensitivity = {"all": full_sens_matrix} # also save the sensitivity wrt each parameter (read the columns of the # sensitivity matrix) start = 0 for name in model.calculate_sensitivities: inp = inputs[name] input_size = inp.shape[0] end = start + input_size sensitivity[name] = full_sens_matrix[:, start:end] start = end y_dae = np.vstack( [ y[: model.len_rhs, :], y[len_rhs_and_sens : len_rhs_and_sens + model.len_alg, :], ] ) return y_dae, sensitivity @property def t(self): """Times at which the solution is evaluated""" try: return self._t except AttributeError: self.set_t() return self._t def set_t(self): self._t = np.concatenate(self.all_ts) if any(np.diff(self._t) <= 0): raise ValueError("Solution time vector must be strictly increasing") @property def y(self): """Values of the solution""" try: return self._y except AttributeError: self.set_y() # if y is evaluated before sensitivities then need to extract them if isinstance(self._sensitivities, bool) and self._sensitivities: self.extract_explicit_sensitivities() return self._y @property def sensitivities(self): """Values of the sensitivities. Returns a dict of param_name: np_array""" if isinstance(self._sensitivities, bool): if self._sensitivities: self.extract_explicit_sensitivities() else: self._sensitivities = {} return self._sensitivities @sensitivities.setter def sensitivities(self, value): """Updates the sensitivity""" # sensitivities must be a dict or bool if not isinstance(value, (bool, dict)): raise TypeError("sensitivities arg needs to be a bool or dict") self._sensitivities = value def set_y(self): try: if isinstance(self.all_ys[0], (casadi.DM, casadi.MX)): self._y = casadi.horzcat(*self.all_ys) else: self._y = np.hstack(self.all_ys) except ValueError as error: raise pybamm.SolverError( "The solution is made up from different models, so `y` cannot be " "computed explicitly." ) from error def check_ys_are_not_too_large(self): # Only check last one so that it doesn't take too long # We only care about the cases where y is growing too large without any # restraint, so if y gets large in the middle then comes back down that is ok y, model = self.all_ys[-1], self.all_models[-1] y = y[:, -1] if np.any(y > pybamm.settings.max_y_value): for var in [*model.rhs.keys(), *model.algebraic.keys()]: var = model.variables[] # find the statevector corresponding to this variable statevector = None for node in var.pre_order(): if isinstance(node, pybamm.StateVector): statevector = node # there will always be a statevector, but just in case if statevector is None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot find statevector corresponding to variable {}" ) y_var = y[statevector.y_slices[0]] if np.any(y_var > pybamm.settings.max_y_value): pybamm.logger.error( f"Solution for '{var}' exceeds the maximum allowed value " f"of `{pybamm.settings.max_y_value}. This could be due to " "incorrect scaling, model formulation, or " "parameter values. The maximum allowed value is set by " "'pybammm.settings.max_y_value'." ) @property def all_ts(self): return self._all_ts @property def all_ys(self): return self._all_ys @property def all_models(self): """Model(s) used for solution""" return self._all_models @cached_property def all_inputs_casadi(self): return [casadi.vertcat(*inp.values()) for inp in self.all_inputs] @property def t_event(self): """Time at which the event happens""" return self._t_event @property def y_event(self): """Value of the solution at the time of the event""" return self._y_event @property def termination(self): """Reason for termination""" return self._termination @termination.setter def termination(self, value): """Updates the reason for termination""" self._termination = value @cached_property def first_state(self): """ A Solution object that only contains the first state. This is faster to evaluate than the full solution when only the first state is needed (e.g. to initialize a model with the solution) """ new_sol = Solution( self.all_ts[0][:1], self.all_ys[0][:, :1], self.all_models[:1], self.all_inputs[:1], None, None, "final time", ) new_sol._all_inputs_casadi = self.all_inputs_casadi[:1] new_sol._sub_solutions = self.sub_solutions[:1] new_sol.solve_time = 0 new_sol.integration_time = 0 new_sol.set_up_time = 0 return new_sol @cached_property def last_state(self): """ A Solution object that only contains the final state. This is faster to evaluate than the full solution when only the final state is needed (e.g. to initialize a model with the solution) """ new_sol = Solution( self.all_ts[-1][-1:], self.all_ys[-1][:, -1:], self.all_models[-1:], self.all_inputs[-1:], self.t_event, self.y_event, self.termination, ) new_sol._all_inputs_casadi = self.all_inputs_casadi[-1:] new_sol._sub_solutions = self.sub_solutions[-1:] new_sol.solve_time = 0 new_sol.integration_time = 0 new_sol.set_up_time = 0 return new_sol @property def total_time(self): return self.set_up_time + self.solve_time @property def cycles(self): return self._cycles @cycles.setter def cycles(self, cycles): self._cycles = cycles @property def summary_variables(self): return self._summary_variables @property def initial_start_time(self): return self._initial_start_time @initial_start_time.setter def initial_start_time(self, value): """Updates the initial start time of the experiment""" self._initial_start_time = value def set_summary_variables(self, all_summary_variables): summary_variables = {var: [] for var in all_summary_variables[0]} for sum_vars in all_summary_variables: for name, value in sum_vars.items(): summary_variables[name].append(value) summary_variables["Cycle number"] = range(1, len(all_summary_variables) + 1) self.all_summary_variables = all_summary_variables self._summary_variables = pybamm.FuzzyDict( {name: np.array(value) for name, value in summary_variables.items()} )
[docs] def update(self, variables): """Add ProcessedVariables to the dictionary of variables in the solution""" # make sure that sensitivities are extracted if required if isinstance(self._sensitivities, bool) and self._sensitivities: self.extract_explicit_sensitivities() # Convert single entry to list if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] # Process for key in variables: cumtrapz_ic = None pybamm.logger.debug(f"Post-processing {key}") vars_pybamm = [model.variables_and_events[key] for model in self.all_models] # Iterate through all models, some may be in the list several times and # therefore only get set up once vars_casadi = [] for i, (model, ys, inputs, var_pybamm) in enumerate( zip(self.all_models, self.all_ys, self.all_inputs, vars_pybamm) ): if ys.size == 0 and var_pybamm.has_symbol_of_classes( pybamm.expression_tree.state_vector.StateVector ): raise KeyError( f"Cannot process variable '{key}' as it was not part of the " "solve. Please re-run the solve with `output_variables` set to " "include this variable." ) elif isinstance(var_pybamm, pybamm.ExplicitTimeIntegral): cumtrapz_ic = var_pybamm.initial_condition cumtrapz_ic = cumtrapz_ic.evaluate() var_pybamm = var_pybamm.child var_casadi = self.process_casadi_var( var_pybamm, inputs, ys.shape, ) model._variables_casadi[key] = var_casadi vars_pybamm[i] = var_pybamm elif key in model._variables_casadi: var_casadi = model._variables_casadi[key] else: var_casadi = self.process_casadi_var( var_pybamm, inputs, ys.shape, ) model._variables_casadi[key] = var_casadi vars_casadi.append(var_casadi) var = pybamm.ProcessedVariable( vars_pybamm, vars_casadi, self, cumtrapz_ic=cumtrapz_ic ) # Save variable and data self._variables[key] = var[key] =
def process_casadi_var(self, var_pybamm, inputs, ys_shape): t_MX = casadi.MX.sym("t") y_MX = casadi.MX.sym("y", ys_shape[0]) inputs_MX_dict = { key: casadi.MX.sym("input", value.shape[0]) for key, value in inputs.items() } inputs_MX = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in inputs_MX_dict.values()]) var_sym = var_pybamm.to_casadi(t_MX, y_MX, inputs=inputs_MX_dict) var_casadi = casadi.Function("variable", [t_MX, y_MX, inputs_MX], [var_sym]) return var_casadi def __getitem__(self, key): """Read a variable from the solution. Variables are created 'just in time', i.e. only when they are called. Parameters ---------- key : str The name of the variable Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.ProcessedVariable` A variable that can be evaluated at any time or spatial point. The underlying data for this variable is available in its attribute ".data" """ # return it if it exists if key in self._variables: return self._variables[key] else: # otherwise create it, save it and then return it self.update(key) return self._variables[key]
[docs] def plot(self, output_variables=None, **kwargs): """ A method to quickly plot the outputs of the solution. Creates a :class:`pybamm.QuickPlot` object (with keyword arguments 'kwargs') and then calls :meth:`pybamm.QuickPlot.dynamic_plot`. Parameters ---------- output_variables: list, optional A list of the variables to plot. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`pybamm.QuickPlot.dynamic_plot`. For a list of all possible keyword arguments see :class:`pybamm.QuickPlot`. """ return pybamm.dynamic_plot(self, output_variables=output_variables, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the whole solution using pickle""" # No warning here if len( as solution can be loaded # and used to process new variables with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def get_data_dict(self, variables=None, short_names=None, cycles_and_steps=True): """ Construct a (standard python) dictionary of the solution data containing the variables in `variables`. If `variables` is None then all variables are returned. Any variable names in short_names are replaced with the corresponding short name. If the solution has cycles, then the cycle numbers and step numbers are also returned in the dictionary. Parameters ---------- variables : list, optional List of variables to return. If None, returns all variables in short_names : dict, optional Dictionary of shortened names to use when saving. cycles_and_steps : bool, optional Whether to include the cycle numbers and step numbers in the dictionary Returns ------- dict A dictionary of the solution data """ if variables is None: # variables not explicitly provided -> save all variables that have been # computed data_long_names = else: if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] # otherwise, save only the variables specified data_long_names = {} for name in variables: data_long_names[name] = self[name].data if len(data_long_names) == 0: raise ValueError( """ Solution does not have any data. Please provide a list of variables to save. """ ) # Use any short names if provided data_short_names = {} short_names = short_names or {} for name, var in data_long_names.items(): name = short_names.get(name, name) # return name if no short name data_short_names[name] = var # Save cycle number and step number if the solution has them if cycles_and_steps and len(self.cycles) > 0: data_short_names["Cycle"] = np.array([]) data_short_names["Step"] = np.array([]) for i, cycle in enumerate(self.cycles): data_short_names["Cycle"] = np.concatenate( [data_short_names["Cycle"], i * np.ones_like(cycle.t)] ) for j, step in enumerate(cycle.steps): data_short_names["Step"] = np.concatenate( [data_short_names["Step"], j * np.ones_like(step.t)] ) return data_short_names
[docs] def save_data( self, filename=None, variables=None, to_format="pickle", short_names=None ): """ Save solution data only (raw arrays) Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The name of the file to save data to. If None, then a str is returned variables : list, optional List of variables to save. If None, saves all of the variables that have been created so far to_format : str, optional The format to save to. Options are: - 'pickle' (default): creates a pickle file with the data dictionary - 'matlab': creates a .mat file, for loading in matlab - 'csv': creates a csv file (0D variables only) - 'json': creates a json file short_names : dict, optional Dictionary of shortened names to use when saving. This may be necessary when saving to MATLAB, since no spaces or special characters are allowed in MATLAB variable names. Note that not all the variables need to be given a short name. Returns ------- data : str, optional str if 'csv' or 'json' is chosen and filename is None, otherwise None """ data = self.get_data_dict(variables=variables, short_names=short_names) if to_format == "pickle": if filename is None: raise ValueError("pickle format must be written to a file") with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) elif to_format == "matlab": if filename is None: raise ValueError("matlab format must be written to a file") # Check all the variable names only contain a-z, A-Z or _ or numbers for name in data.keys(): # Check the string only contains the following ASCII: # a-z (97-122) # A-Z (65-90) # _ (95) # 0-9 (48-57) but not in the first position for i, s in enumerate(name): if not ( 97 <= ord(s) <= 122 or 65 <= ord(s) <= 90 or ord(s) == 95 or (i > 0 and 48 <= ord(s) <= 57) ): raise ValueError( f"Invalid character '{s}' found in '{name}'. " + "MATLAB variable names must only contain a-z, A-Z, _, " "or 0-9 (except the first position). " "Use the 'short_names' argument to pass an alternative " "variable name, e.g. \n\n" "\tsolution.save_data(filename, " "['Electrolyte concentration'], to_format='matlab, " "short_names={'Electrolyte concentration': 'c_e'})" ) savemat(filename, data) elif to_format == "csv": for name, var in data.items(): if var.ndim >= 2: raise ValueError( f"only 0D variables can be saved to csv, but '{name}' is {var.ndim - 1}D" ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) return df.to_csv(filename, index=False) elif to_format == "json": if filename is None: return json.dumps(data, cls=NumpyEncoder) else: with open(filename, "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, cls=NumpyEncoder) else: raise ValueError(f"format '{to_format}' not recognised")
@property def sub_solutions(self): """List of sub solutions that have been concatenated to form the full solution""" return self._sub_solutions def __add__(self, other): """Adds two solutions together, e.g. when stepping""" if other is None or isinstance(other, EmptySolution): return self.copy() if not isinstance(other, Solution): raise pybamm.SolverError( "Only a Solution or None can be added to a Solution" ) # Special case: new solution only has one timestep and it is already in the # existing solution. In this case, return a copy of the existing solution if ( len(other.all_ts) == 1 and len(other.all_ts[0]) == 1 and other.all_ts[0][0] == self.all_ts[-1][-1] ): new_sol = self.copy() # Update termination using the latter solution new_sol._termination = other.termination new_sol._t_event = other._t_event new_sol._y_event = other._y_event return new_sol # Update list of sub-solutions if other.all_ts[0][0] == self.all_ts[-1][-1]: # Skip first time step if it is repeated all_ts = self.all_ts + [other.all_ts[0][1:]] + other.all_ts[1:] all_ys = self.all_ys + [other.all_ys[0][:, 1:]] + other.all_ys[1:] else: all_ts = self.all_ts + other.all_ts all_ys = self.all_ys + other.all_ys new_sol = Solution( all_ts, all_ys, self.all_models + other.all_models, self.all_inputs + other.all_inputs, other.t_event, other.y_event, other.termination, bool(self.sensitivities), ) new_sol.closest_event_idx = other.closest_event_idx new_sol._all_inputs_casadi = self.all_inputs_casadi + other.all_inputs_casadi # Set solution time new_sol.solve_time = self.solve_time + other.solve_time new_sol.integration_time = self.integration_time + other.integration_time # Set sub_solutions new_sol._sub_solutions = self.sub_solutions + other.sub_solutions return new_sol def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def copy(self): new_sol = self.__class__( self.all_ts, self.all_ys, self.all_models, self.all_inputs, self.t_event, self.y_event, self.termination, ) new_sol._all_inputs_casadi = self.all_inputs_casadi new_sol._sub_solutions = self.sub_solutions new_sol.closest_event_idx = self.closest_event_idx new_sol.solve_time = self.solve_time new_sol.integration_time = self.integration_time new_sol.set_up_time = self.set_up_time return new_sol
[docs] def plot_voltage_components( self, ax=None, show_legend=True, split_by_electrode=False, show_plot=True, **kwargs_fill, ): """ Generate a plot showing the component overpotentials that make up the voltage Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axis, optional The axis on which to put the plot. If None, a new figure and axis is created. show_legend : bool, optional Whether to display the legend. Default is True. split_by_electrode : bool, optional Whether to show the overpotentials for the negative and positive electrodes separately. Default is False. show_plot : bool, optional Whether to show the plots. Default is True. Set to False if you want to only display the plot after has been called. kwargs_fill Keyword arguments, passed to ax.fill_between. """ # Use 'self' here as the solution object return pybamm.plot_voltage_components( self, ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, split_by_electrode=split_by_electrode, show_plot=show_plot, **kwargs_fill, )
class EmptySolution: def __init__(self, termination=None, t=None): self.termination = termination if t is None: t = np.array([0]) elif isinstance(t, numbers.Number): t = np.array([t]) self.t = t def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (EmptySolution, Solution)): return other.copy() def __radd__(self, other): if other is None: return self.copy() def copy(self): return EmptySolution(termination=self.termination, t=self.t) def make_cycle_solution( step_solutions, esoh_solver=None, save_this_cycle=True, inputs=None ): """ Function to create a Solution for an entire cycle, and associated summary variables Parameters ---------- step_solutions : list of :class:`Solution` Step solutions that form the entire cycle esoh_solver : :class:`pybamm.lithium_ion.ElectrodeSOHSolver` Solver to calculate electrode SOH (eSOH) variables. If `None` (default) then only summary variables that do not require the eSOH calculation are calculated. See :footcite:t:`Mohtat2019` for more details on eSOH variables. save_this_cycle : bool, optional Whether to save the entire cycle variables or just the summary variables. Default True Returns ------- cycle_solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` or None The Solution object for this cycle, or None (if save_this_cycle is False) cycle_summary_variables : dict Dictionary of summary variables for this cycle """ sum_sols = step_solutions[0].copy() for step_solution in step_solutions[1:]: sum_sols = sum_sols + step_solution cycle_solution = Solution( sum_sols.all_ts, sum_sols.all_ys, sum_sols.all_models, sum_sols.all_inputs, sum_sols.t_event, sum_sols.y_event, sum_sols.termination, ) cycle_solution._all_inputs_casadi = sum_sols.all_inputs_casadi cycle_solution._sub_solutions = sum_sols.sub_solutions cycle_solution.solve_time = sum_sols.solve_time cycle_solution.integration_time = sum_sols.integration_time cycle_solution.set_up_time = sum_sols.set_up_time cycle_solution.steps = step_solutions cycle_summary_variables = _get_cycle_summary_variables( cycle_solution, esoh_solver, user_inputs=inputs ) cycle_first_state = cycle_solution.first_state if save_this_cycle: cycle_solution.cycle_summary_variables = cycle_summary_variables else: cycle_solution = None return cycle_solution, cycle_summary_variables, cycle_first_state def _get_cycle_summary_variables(cycle_solution, esoh_solver, user_inputs=None): user_inputs = user_inputs or {} model = cycle_solution.all_models[0] cycle_summary_variables = pybamm.FuzzyDict({}) # Measured capacity variables if "Discharge capacity [A.h]" in model.variables: Q = cycle_solution["Discharge capacity [A.h]"].data min_Q, max_Q = np.min(Q), np.max(Q) cycle_summary_variables.update( { "Minimum measured discharge capacity [A.h]": min_Q, "Maximum measured discharge capacity [A.h]": max_Q, "Measured capacity [A.h]": max_Q - min_Q, } ) # Voltage variables if "Battery voltage [V]" in model.variables: V = cycle_solution["Battery voltage [V]"].data min_V, max_V = np.min(V), np.max(V) cycle_summary_variables.update( {"Minimum voltage [V]": min_V, "Maximum voltage [V]": max_V} ) # Degradation variables degradation_variables = model.summary_variables first_state = cycle_solution.first_state last_state = cycle_solution.last_state for var in degradation_variables: data_first = first_state[var].data data_last = last_state[var].data cycle_summary_variables[var] = data_last[0] var_lowercase = var[0].lower() + var[1:] cycle_summary_variables["Change in " + var_lowercase] = ( data_last[0] - data_first[0] ) # eSOH variables (full-cell lithium-ion model only, for now) if ( esoh_solver is not None and isinstance(model, pybamm.lithium_ion.BaseModel) and model.options.electrode_types["negative"] == "porous" ): Q_n = last_state["Negative electrode capacity [A.h]"].data[0] Q_p = last_state["Positive electrode capacity [A.h]"].data[0] Q_Li = last_state["Total lithium capacity in particles [A.h]"].data[0] all_inputs = {**user_inputs, "Q_n": Q_n, "Q_p": Q_p, "Q_Li": Q_Li} try: esoh_sol = esoh_solver.solve(inputs=all_inputs) except pybamm.SolverError as error: # pragma: no cover raise pybamm.SolverError( "Could not solve for summary variables, run " "`sim.solve(calc_esoh=False)` to skip this step" ) from error cycle_summary_variables.update(esoh_sol) return cycle_summary_variables