Source code for pybamm.solvers.idaklu_solver

# Solver class using sundials with the KLU sparse linear solver
# mypy: ignore-errors
import casadi
import pybamm
import numpy as np
import numbers
import scipy.sparse as sparse

import importlib

idaklu_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("pybamm.solvers.idaklu")
if idaklu_spec is not None:
        idaklu = importlib.util.module_from_spec(idaklu_spec)
        if idaklu_spec.loader:
    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        idaklu_spec = None

def have_idaklu():
    return idaklu_spec is not None

[docs] class IDAKLUSolver(pybamm.BaseSolver): """ Solve a discretised model, using sundials with the KLU sparse linear solver. Parameters ---------- rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). root_method : str or pybamm algebraic solver class, optional The method to use to find initial conditions (for DAE solvers). If a solver class, must be an algebraic solver class. If "casadi", the solver uses casadi's Newton rootfinding algorithm to find initial conditions. Otherwise, the solver uses 'scipy.optimize.root' with method specified by 'root_method' (e.g. "lm", "hybr", ...) root_tol : float, optional The tolerance for the initial-condition solver (default is 1e-6). extrap_tol : float, optional The tolerance to assert whether extrapolation occurs or not (default is 0). output_variables : list[str], optional List of variables to calculate and return. If none are specified then the complete state vector is returned (can be very large) (default is []) options: dict, optional Addititional options to pass to the solver, by default: .. code-block:: python options = { # print statistics of the solver after every solve "print_stats": False, # jacobian form, can be "none", "dense", # "banded", "sparse", "matrix-free" "jacobian": "sparse", # name of sundials linear solver to use options are: "SUNLinSol_KLU", # "SUNLinSol_Dense", "SUNLinSol_Band", "SUNLinSol_SPBCGS", # "SUNLinSol_SPFGMR", "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", "SUNLinSol_SPTFQMR", "linear_solver": "SUNLinSol_KLU", # preconditioner for iterative solvers, can be "none", "BBDP" "preconditioner": "BBDP", # for iterative linear solvers, max number of iterations "linsol_max_iterations": 5, # for iterative linear solver preconditioner, bandwidth of # approximate jacobian "precon_half_bandwidth": 5, # for iterative linear solver preconditioner, bandwidth of # approximate jacobian that is kept "precon_half_bandwidth_keep": 5, # Number of threads available for OpenMP "num_threads": 1, } Note: These options only have an effect if model.convert_to_format == 'casadi' """ def __init__( self, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, root_method="casadi", root_tol=1e-6, extrap_tol=None, output_variables=None, options=None, ): # set default options, # (only if user does not supply) default_options = { "print_stats": False, "jacobian": "sparse", "linear_solver": "SUNLinSol_KLU", "preconditioner": "BBDP", "linsol_max_iterations": 5, "precon_half_bandwidth": 5, "precon_half_bandwidth_keep": 5, "num_threads": 1, } if options is None: options = default_options else: for key, value in default_options.items(): if key not in options: options[key] = value self._options = options self.output_variables = [] if output_variables is None else output_variables if idaklu_spec is None: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("KLU is not installed") super().__init__( "ida", rtol, atol, root_method, root_tol, extrap_tol, output_variables, ) = "IDA KLU solver" pybamm.citations.register("Hindmarsh2000") pybamm.citations.register("Hindmarsh2005") def _check_atol_type(self, atol, size): """ This method checks that the atol vector is of the right shape and type. Parameters ---------- atol: double or np.array or list Absolute tolerances. If this is a vector then each entry corresponds to the absolute tolerance of one entry in the state vector. size: int The length of the atol vector """ if isinstance(atol, float): atol = atol * np.ones(size) elif not isinstance(atol, np.ndarray): raise pybamm.SolverError( "Absolute tolerances must be a numpy array or float" ) return atol
[docs] def set_up(self, model, inputs=None, t_eval=None, ics_only=False): base_set_up_return = super().set_up(model, inputs, t_eval, ics_only) inputs_dict = inputs or {} # stack inputs if inputs_dict: arrays_to_stack = [np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1) for x in inputs_dict.values()] inputs_sizes = [len(array) for array in arrays_to_stack] inputs = np.vstack(arrays_to_stack) else: inputs_sizes = [] inputs = np.array([[]]) def inputs_to_dict(inputs): index = 0 for n, key in zip(inputs_sizes, inputs_dict.keys()): inputs_dict[key] = inputs[index : (index + n)] index += n return inputs_dict y0 = model.y0 if isinstance(y0, casadi.DM): y0 = y0.full() y0 = y0.flatten() y0S = model.y0S # only casadi solver needs sensitivity ics if model.convert_to_format != "casadi": y0S = None if self.output_variables: raise pybamm.SolverError( "output_variables can only be specified " 'with convert_to_format="casadi"' ) # pragma: no cover if y0S is not None: if isinstance(y0S, casadi.DM): y0S = (y0S,) y0S = (x.full() for x in y0S) y0S = [x.flatten() for x in y0S] if ics_only: return base_set_up_return if model.convert_to_format == "jax": mass_matrix = model.mass_matrix.entries.toarray() elif model.convert_to_format == "casadi": if self._options["jacobian"] == "dense": mass_matrix = casadi.DM(model.mass_matrix.entries.toarray()) else: mass_matrix = casadi.DM(model.mass_matrix.entries) else: mass_matrix = model.mass_matrix.entries # construct residuals function by binding inputs if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": # TODO: do we need densify here? rhs_algebraic = model.rhs_algebraic_eval else: def resfn(t, y, inputs, ydot): return ( model.rhs_algebraic_eval(t, y, inputs_to_dict(inputs)).flatten() - mass_matrix @ ydot ) if not model.use_jacobian: raise pybamm.SolverError("KLU requires the Jacobian") # need to provide jacobian_rhs_alg - cj * mass_matrix if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": t_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("t") y_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("y", model.len_rhs_and_alg) cj_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("cj") p_casadi = {} for name, value in inputs_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name) else: p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, value.shape[0]) p_casadi_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in p_casadi.values()]) jac_times_cjmass = casadi.Function( "jac_times_cjmass", [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked, cj_casadi], [ model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval(t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked) - cj_casadi * mass_matrix ], ) jac_times_cjmass_sparsity = jac_times_cjmass.sparsity_out(0) jac_bw_lower = jac_times_cjmass_sparsity.bw_lower() jac_bw_upper = jac_times_cjmass_sparsity.bw_upper() jac_times_cjmass_nnz = jac_times_cjmass_sparsity.nnz() jac_times_cjmass_colptrs = np.array( jac_times_cjmass_sparsity.colind(), dtype=np.int64 ) jac_times_cjmass_rowvals = np.array( jac_times_cjmass_sparsity.row(), dtype=np.int64 ) v_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("v", model.len_rhs_and_alg) jac_rhs_algebraic_action = model.jac_rhs_algebraic_action_eval # also need the action of the mass matrix on a vector mass_action = casadi.Function( "mass_action", [v_casadi], [casadi.densify(mass_matrix @ v_casadi)] ) # if output_variables specified then convert 'variable' casadi # function expressions to idaklu-compatible functions self.var_idaklu_fcns = [] self.dvar_dy_idaklu_fcns = [] self.dvar_dp_idaklu_fcns = [] for key in self.output_variables: # ExplicitTimeIntegral's are not computed as part of the solver and # do not need to be converted if isinstance( model.variables_and_events[key], pybamm.ExplicitTimeIntegral ): continue self.var_idaklu_fcns.append( idaklu.generate_function(self.computed_var_fcns[key].serialize()) ) # Convert derivative functions for sensitivities if (len(inputs) > 0) and (model.calculate_sensitivities): self.dvar_dy_idaklu_fcns.append( idaklu.generate_function( self.computed_dvar_dy_fcns[key].serialize() ) ) self.dvar_dp_idaklu_fcns.append( idaklu.generate_function( self.computed_dvar_dp_fcns[key].serialize() ) ) else: t0 = 0 if t_eval is None else t_eval[0] jac_y0_t0 = model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval(t0, y0, inputs_dict) if sparse.issparse(jac_y0_t0): def jacfn(t, y, inputs, cj): j = ( model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval(t, y, inputs_to_dict(inputs)) - cj * mass_matrix ) return j else: def jacfn(t, y, inputs, cj): jac_eval = ( model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval(t, y, inputs_to_dict(inputs)) - cj * mass_matrix ) return sparse.csr_matrix(jac_eval) class SundialsJacobian: def __init__(self): self.J = None random = np.random.random(size=y0.size) J = jacfn(10, random, inputs, 20) self.nnz = J.nnz # hoping nnz remains constant... def jac_res(self, t, y, inputs, cj): # must be of form j_res = (dr/dy) - (cj) (dr/dy') # cj is just the input parameter # see p68 of the ida_guide.pdf for more details self.J = jacfn(t, y, inputs, cj) def get_jac_data(self): return def get_jac_row_vals(self): return self.J.indices def get_jac_col_ptrs(self): return self.J.indptr jac_class = SundialsJacobian() num_of_events = len(model.terminate_events_eval) # rootfn needs to return an array of length num_of_events if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": rootfn = casadi.Function( "rootfn", [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked], [ casadi.vertcat( *[ event(t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked) for event in model.terminate_events_eval ] ) ], ) else: def rootfn(t, y, inputs): new_inputs = inputs_to_dict(inputs) return_root = np.array( [event(t, y, new_inputs) for event in model.terminate_events_eval] ).reshape(-1) return return_root # get ids of rhs and algebraic variables if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": rhs_ids = np.ones(model.rhs_eval(0, y0, inputs).shape[0]) else: rhs_ids = np.ones(model.rhs_eval(0, y0, inputs_dict).shape[0]) alg_ids = np.zeros(len(y0) - len(rhs_ids)) ids = np.concatenate((rhs_ids, alg_ids)) number_of_sensitivity_parameters = 0 if model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval is not None: sensitivity_names = model.calculate_sensitivities if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": number_of_sensitivity_parameters = model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval.n_out() else: number_of_sensitivity_parameters = len(sensitivity_names) else: sensitivity_names = [] if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": # for the casadi solver we just give it dFdp_i if model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval is None: sensfn = casadi.Function("sensfn", [], []) else: sensfn = model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval else: # for the python solver we give it the full sensitivity equations # required by IDAS def sensfn(resvalS, t, y, inputs, yp, yS, ypS): """ this function evaluates the sensitivity equations required by IDAS, returning them in resvalS, which is preallocated as a numpy array of size (np, n), where n is the number of states and np is the number of parameters The equations returned are: dF/dy * s_i + dF/dyd * sd_i + dFdp_i for i in range(np) Parameters ---------- resvalS: ndarray of shape (np, n) returns the sensitivity equations in this preallocated array t: number time value y: ndarray of shape (n) current state vector yp: list (np) of ndarray of shape (n) current time derivative of state vector yS: list (np) of ndarray of shape (n) current state vector of sensitivity equations ypS: list (np) of ndarray of shape (n) current time derivative of state vector of sensitivity equations """ new_inputs = inputs_to_dict(inputs) dFdy = model.jac_rhs_algebraic_eval(t, y, new_inputs) dFdyd = mass_matrix dFdp = model.jacp_rhs_algebraic_eval(t, y, new_inputs) for i, dFdp_i in enumerate(dFdp.values()): resvalS[i][:] = dFdy @ yS[i] - dFdyd @ ypS[i] + dFdp_i try: atol = model.atol except AttributeError: atol = self.atol rtol = self.rtol atol = self._check_atol_type(atol, y0.size) if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": rhs_algebraic = idaklu.generate_function(rhs_algebraic.serialize()) jac_times_cjmass = idaklu.generate_function(jac_times_cjmass.serialize()) jac_rhs_algebraic_action = idaklu.generate_function( jac_rhs_algebraic_action.serialize() ) rootfn = idaklu.generate_function(rootfn.serialize()) mass_action = idaklu.generate_function(mass_action.serialize()) sensfn = idaklu.generate_function(sensfn.serialize()) self._setup = { "jac_bandwidth_upper": jac_bw_upper, "jac_bandwidth_lower": jac_bw_lower, "rhs_algebraic": rhs_algebraic, "jac_times_cjmass": jac_times_cjmass, "jac_times_cjmass_colptrs": jac_times_cjmass_colptrs, "jac_times_cjmass_rowvals": jac_times_cjmass_rowvals, "jac_times_cjmass_nnz": jac_times_cjmass_nnz, "jac_rhs_algebraic_action": jac_rhs_algebraic_action, "mass_action": mass_action, "sensfn": sensfn, "rootfn": rootfn, "num_of_events": num_of_events, "ids": ids, "sensitivity_names": sensitivity_names, "number_of_sensitivity_parameters": number_of_sensitivity_parameters, "output_variables": self.output_variables, "var_casadi_fcns": self.computed_var_fcns, "var_idaklu_fcns": self.var_idaklu_fcns, "dvar_dy_idaklu_fcns": self.dvar_dy_idaklu_fcns, "dvar_dp_idaklu_fcns": self.dvar_dp_idaklu_fcns, } solver = idaklu.create_casadi_solver( number_of_states=len(y0), number_of_parameters=self._setup["number_of_sensitivity_parameters"], rhs_alg=self._setup["rhs_algebraic"], jac_times_cjmass=self._setup["jac_times_cjmass"], jac_times_cjmass_colptrs=self._setup["jac_times_cjmass_colptrs"], jac_times_cjmass_rowvals=self._setup["jac_times_cjmass_rowvals"], jac_times_cjmass_nnz=self._setup["jac_times_cjmass_nnz"], jac_bandwidth_lower=jac_bw_lower, jac_bandwidth_upper=jac_bw_upper, jac_action=self._setup["jac_rhs_algebraic_action"], mass_action=self._setup["mass_action"], sens=self._setup["sensfn"], events=self._setup["rootfn"], number_of_events=self._setup["num_of_events"], rhs_alg_id=self._setup["ids"], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, inputs=len(inputs), var_casadi_fcns=self._setup["var_idaklu_fcns"], dvar_dy_fcns=self._setup["dvar_dy_idaklu_fcns"], dvar_dp_fcns=self._setup["dvar_dp_idaklu_fcns"], options=self._options, ) self._setup["solver"] = solver else: self._setup = { "resfn": resfn, "jac_class": jac_class, "sensfn": sensfn, "rootfn": rootfn, "num_of_events": num_of_events, "use_jac": 1, "ids": ids, "sensitivity_names": sensitivity_names, "number_of_sensitivity_parameters": number_of_sensitivity_parameters, } return base_set_up_return
def _integrate(self, model, t_eval, inputs_dict=None): """ Solve a DAE model defined by residuals with initial conditions y0. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. t_eval : numeric type The times at which to compute the solution inputs_dict : dict, optional Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving """ inputs_dict = inputs_dict or {} # stack inputs if inputs_dict: arrays_to_stack = [np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1) for x in inputs_dict.values()] inputs = np.vstack(arrays_to_stack) else: inputs = np.array([[]]) # do this here cause y0 is set after set_up (calc consistent conditions) y0 = model.y0 if isinstance(y0, casadi.DM): y0 = y0.full() y0 = y0.flatten() y0S = model.y0S # only casadi solver needs sensitivity ics if model.convert_to_format != "casadi": y0S = None if y0S is not None: if isinstance(y0S, casadi.DM): y0S = (y0S,) y0S = (x.full() for x in y0S) y0S = [x.flatten() for x in y0S] # solver works with ydot0 set to zero ydot0 = np.zeros_like(y0) if y0S is not None: ydot0S = [np.zeros_like(y0S_i) for y0S_i in y0S] y0full = np.concatenate([y0, *y0S]) ydot0full = np.concatenate([ydot0, *ydot0S]) else: y0full = y0 ydot0full = ydot0 try: atol = model.atol except AttributeError: atol = self.atol rtol = self.rtol atol = self._check_atol_type(atol, y0.size) timer = pybamm.Timer() if model.convert_to_format == "casadi": sol = self._setup["solver"].solve( t_eval, y0full, ydot0full, inputs, ) else: sol = idaklu.solve_python( t_eval, y0, ydot0, self._setup["resfn"], self._setup["jac_class"].jac_res, self._setup["sensfn"], self._setup["jac_class"].get_jac_data, self._setup["jac_class"].get_jac_row_vals, self._setup["jac_class"].get_jac_col_ptrs, self._setup["jac_class"].nnz, self._setup["rootfn"], self._setup["num_of_events"], self._setup["use_jac"], self._setup["ids"], atol, rtol, inputs, self._setup["number_of_sensitivity_parameters"], ) integration_time = timer.time() number_of_sensitivity_parameters = self._setup[ "number_of_sensitivity_parameters" ] sensitivity_names = self._setup["sensitivity_names"] t = sol.t number_of_timesteps = t.size number_of_states = y0.size if self.output_variables: # Substitute empty vectors for state vector 'y' y_out = np.zeros((number_of_timesteps * number_of_states, 0)) else: y_out = sol.y.reshape((number_of_timesteps, number_of_states)) # return sensitivity solution, we need to flatten yS to # (#timesteps * #states (where t is changing the quickest),) # to match format used by Solution # note that yS is (n_p, n_t, n_y) if number_of_sensitivity_parameters != 0: yS_out = { name: sol.yS[i].reshape(-1, 1) for i, name in enumerate(sensitivity_names) } # add "all" stacked sensitivities ((#timesteps * #states,#sens_params)) yS_out["all"] = np.hstack([yS_out[name] for name in sensitivity_names]) else: yS_out = False if sol.flag in [0, 2]: # 0 = solved for all t_eval if sol.flag == 0: termination = "final time" # 2 = found root(s) elif sol.flag == 2: termination = "event" newsol = pybamm.Solution( sol.t, np.transpose(y_out), model, inputs_dict, np.array([t[-1]]), np.transpose(y_out[-1])[:, np.newaxis], termination, sensitivities=yS_out, ) newsol.integration_time = integration_time if self.output_variables: # Populate variables and sensititivies dictionaries directly number_of_samples = sol.y.shape[0] // number_of_timesteps sol.y = sol.y.reshape((number_of_timesteps, number_of_samples)) startk = 0 for _, var in enumerate(self.output_variables): # ExplicitTimeIntegral's are not computed as part of the solver and # do not need to be converted if isinstance( model.variables_and_events[var], pybamm.ExplicitTimeIntegral ): continue len_of_var = ( self._setup["var_casadi_fcns"][var](0, 0, 0).sparsity().nnz() ) newsol._variables[var] = pybamm.ProcessedVariableComputed( [model.variables_and_events[var]], [self._setup["var_casadi_fcns"][var]], [sol.y[:, startk : (startk + len_of_var)]], newsol, ) # Add sensitivities newsol[var]._sensitivities = {} if model.calculate_sensitivities: for paramk, param in enumerate(inputs_dict.keys()): newsol[var].add_sensitivity( param, [sol.yS[:, startk : (startk + len_of_var), paramk]], ) startk += len_of_var return newsol else: raise pybamm.SolverError("idaklu solver failed")
[docs] def jaxify( self, model, t_eval, *, output_variables=None, calculate_sensitivities=True, ): """JAXify the solver object Creates a JAX expression representing the IDAKLU-wrapped solver object. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model to be solved t_eval : numeric type, optional The times at which to compute the solution. If None, the times in the model are used. output_variables : list of str, optional The variables to be returned. If None, all variables in the model are used. calculate_sensitivities : bool, optional Whether to calculate sensitivities. Default is True. """ obj = pybamm.IDAKLUJax( self, # IDAKLU solver instance model, t_eval, output_variables=output_variables, calculate_sensitivities=calculate_sensitivities, ) return obj