Source code for pybamm.simulation

# Simulation class
from __future__ import annotations

import pickle
import pybamm
import numpy as np
import hashlib
import warnings
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from datetime import timedelta
from pybamm.util import import_optional_dependency

from pybamm.expression_tree.operations.serialise import Serialise

def is_notebook():
        shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
        if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell":  # pragma: no cover
            # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
            cfg = get_ipython().config
            nb = len(cfg["InteractiveShell"].keys()) == 0
            return nb
        elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell":  # pragma: no cover
            return False  # Terminal running IPython
        elif shell == "Shell":  # pragma: no cover
            return True  # Google Colab notebook
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return False  # Other type (?)
    except NameError:
        return False  # Probably standard Python interpreter

[docs] class Simulation: """A Simulation class for easy building and running of PyBaMM simulations. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model to be simulated experiment : :class:`pybamm.Experiment` or string or list (optional) The experimental conditions under which to solve the model. If a string is passed, the experiment is constructed as `pybamm.Experiment([experiment])`. If a list is passed, the experiment is constructed as `pybamm.Experiment(experiment)`. geometry: :class:`pybamm.Geometry` (optional) The geometry upon which to solve the model parameter_values: :class:`pybamm.ParameterValues` (optional) Parameters and their corresponding numerical values. submesh_types: dict (optional) A dictionary of the types of submesh to use on each subdomain var_pts: dict (optional) A dictionary of the number of points used by each spatial variable spatial_methods: dict (optional) A dictionary of the types of spatial method to use on each domain (e.g. pybamm.FiniteVolume) solver: :class:`pybamm.BaseSolver` (optional) The solver to use to solve the model. output_variables: list (optional) A list of variables to plot automatically C_rate: float (optional) The C-rate at which you would like to run a constant current (dis)charge. """ def __init__( self, model, experiment=None, geometry=None, parameter_values=None, submesh_types=None, var_pts=None, spatial_methods=None, solver=None, output_variables=None, C_rate=None, ): self._parameter_values = parameter_values or model.default_parameter_values self._unprocessed_parameter_values = self._parameter_values if isinstance(model, pybamm.lithium_ion.BasicDFNHalfCell): if experiment is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "BasicDFNHalfCell is not compatible with experiment simulations." ) if experiment is None: # Check to see if the current is provided as data (i.e. drive cycle) current = self._parameter_values.get("Current function [A]") if isinstance(current, pybamm.Interpolant): self.operating_mode = "drive cycle" else: self.operating_mode = "without experiment" if C_rate: self.C_rate = C_rate self._parameter_values.update( { "Current function [A]": self.C_rate * self._parameter_values["Nominal cell capacity [A.h]"] } ) else: if isinstance(experiment, (str, pybamm.step.BaseStep)): experiment = pybamm.Experiment([experiment]) elif isinstance(experiment, list): experiment = pybamm.Experiment(experiment) elif not isinstance(experiment, pybamm.Experiment): raise TypeError( "experiment must be a pybamm `Experiment` instance, a single " "experiment step, or a list of experiment steps" ) self.operating_mode = "with experiment" # Save the experiment self.experiment = experiment.copy() self._unprocessed_model = model self._model = model self._geometry = geometry or self._model.default_geometry self._submesh_types = submesh_types or self._model.default_submesh_types self._var_pts = var_pts or self._model.default_var_pts self._spatial_methods = spatial_methods or self._model.default_spatial_methods self._solver = solver or self._model.default_solver self._output_variables = output_variables # Initialize empty built states self._model_with_set_params = None self._built_model = None self._built_initial_soc = None self.steps_to_built_models = None self.steps_to_built_solvers = None self._mesh = None self._disc = None self._solution = None self.quick_plot = None # Initialise instances of Simulation class with the same random seed self._set_random_seed() # ignore runtime warnings in notebooks if is_notebook(): # pragma: no cover import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.get_esoh_solver = lru_cache()(self._get_esoh_solver) def __getstate__(self): """ Return dictionary of picklable items """ result = self.__dict__.copy() result["get_esoh_solver"] = None # Exclude LRU cache return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Unpickle, restoring unpicklable relationships """ self.__dict__ = state self.get_esoh_solver = lru_cache()(self._get_esoh_solver) # If the solver being used is CasadiSolver or its variants, set a fixed # random seed during class initialization to the SHA-256 hash of the class # name for purposes of reproducibility. def _set_random_seed(self): if isinstance(self._solver, pybamm.CasadiSolver) or isinstance( self._solver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver ): np.random.seed( int(hashlib.sha256(self.__class__.__name__.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % (2**32) )
[docs] def set_up_and_parameterise_experiment(self): """ Create and parameterise the models for each step in the experiment. This increases set-up time since several models to be processed, but reduces simulation time since the model formulation is efficient. """ parameter_values = self._parameter_values.copy() # Set the initial temperature to be the temperature of the first step # We can set this globally for all steps since any subsequent steps will either # start at the temperature at the end of the previous step (if non-isothermal # model), or will use the "Ambient temperature" input (if isothermal model). # In either case, the initial temperature is not used for any steps except # the first. init_temp = self.experiment.steps[0].temperature if init_temp is not None: parameter_values["Initial temperature [K]"] = init_temp # Process each step self.experiment_unique_steps_to_model = {} for step in self.experiment.unique_steps: parameterised_model = step.process_model(self._model, parameter_values) self.experiment_unique_steps_to_model[step.basic_repr()] = ( parameterised_model ) # Set up rest model if experiment has start times if self.experiment.initial_start_time: # duration doesn't matter, we just need the model rest_step = # Change ambient temperature to be an input, which will be changed at # solve time parameter_values["Ambient temperature [K]"] = "[input]" parameterised_model = rest_step.process_model(self._model, parameter_values) self.experiment_unique_steps_to_model["Rest for padding"] = ( parameterised_model )
[docs] def set_parameters(self): """ A method to set the parameters in the model and the associated geometry. """ if self.model_with_set_params: return self._model_with_set_params = self._parameter_values.process_model( self._unprocessed_model, inplace=False ) self._parameter_values.process_geometry(self._geometry) self._model = self._model_with_set_params
def set_initial_soc(self, initial_soc, inputs=None): if self._built_initial_soc != initial_soc: # reset self._model_with_set_params = None self._built_model = None self.steps_to_built_models = None self.steps_to_built_solvers = None options = self.model.options param = self._model.param if options["open-circuit potential"] == "MSMR": self._parameter_values = ( self._unprocessed_parameter_values.set_initial_ocps( initial_soc, param=param, inplace=False, options=options ) ) elif options["working electrode"] == "positive": self._parameter_values = ( self._unprocessed_parameter_values.set_initial_stoichiometry_half_cell( initial_soc, param=param, inplace=False, options=options, inputs=inputs, ) ) else: self._parameter_values = ( self._unprocessed_parameter_values.set_initial_stoichiometries( initial_soc, param=param, inplace=False, options=options, inputs=inputs, ) ) # Save solved initial SOC in case we need to re-build the model self._built_initial_soc = initial_soc
[docs] def build(self, check_model=True, initial_soc=None, inputs=None): """ A method to build the model into a system of matrices and vectors suitable for performing numerical computations. If the model has already been built or solved then this function will have no effect. This method will automatically set the parameters if they have not already been set. Parameters ---------- check_model : bool, optional If True, model checks are performed after discretisation (see :meth:`pybamm.Discretisation.process_model`). Default is True. initial_soc : float, optional Initial State of Charge (SOC) for the simulation. Must be between 0 and 1. If given, overwrites the initial concentrations provided in the parameter set. """ if initial_soc is not None: self.set_initial_soc(initial_soc, inputs=inputs) if self.built_model: return elif self._model.is_discretised: self._model_with_set_params = self._model self._built_model = self._model else: self.set_parameters() self._mesh = pybamm.Mesh(self._geometry, self._submesh_types, self._var_pts) self._disc = pybamm.Discretisation(self._mesh, self._spatial_methods) self._built_model = self._disc.process_model( self._model_with_set_params, inplace=False, check_model=check_model ) # rebuilt model so clear solver setup self._solver._model_set_up = {}
[docs] def build_for_experiment(self, check_model=True, initial_soc=None, inputs=None): """ Similar to :meth:``, but for the case of simulating an experiment, where there may be several models and solvers to build. """ if initial_soc is not None: self.set_initial_soc(initial_soc, inputs) if self.steps_to_built_models: return else: self.set_up_and_parameterise_experiment() # Can process geometry with default parameter values (only electrical # parameters change between parameter values) self._parameter_values.process_geometry(self._geometry) # Only needs to set up mesh and discretisation once self._mesh = pybamm.Mesh(self._geometry, self._submesh_types, self._var_pts) self._disc = pybamm.Discretisation(self._mesh, self._spatial_methods) # Process all the different models self.steps_to_built_models = {} self.steps_to_built_solvers = {} for ( step, model_with_set_params, ) in self.experiment_unique_steps_to_model.items(): # It's ok to modify the model with set parameters in place as it's # not returned anywhere built_model = self._disc.process_model( model_with_set_params, inplace=True, check_model=check_model ) solver = self._solver.copy() self.steps_to_built_solvers[step] = solver self.steps_to_built_models[step] = built_model
[docs] def solve( self, t_eval=None, solver=None, check_model=True, save_at_cycles=None, calc_esoh=True, starting_solution=None, initial_soc=None, callbacks=None, showprogress=False, inputs=None, **kwargs, ): """ A method to solve the model. This method will automatically build and set the model parameters if not already done so. Parameters ---------- t_eval : numeric type, optional The times (in seconds) at which to compute the solution. Can be provided as an array of times at which to return the solution, or as a list `[t0, tf]` where `t0` is the initial time and `tf` is the final time. If provided as a list the solution is returned at 100 points within the interval `[t0, tf]`. If not using an experiment or running a drive cycle simulation (current provided as data) `t_eval` *must* be provided. If running an experiment the values in `t_eval` are ignored, and the solution times are specified by the experiment. If None and the parameter "Current function [A]" is read from data (i.e. drive cycle simulation) the model will be solved at the times provided in the data. solver : :class:`pybamm.BaseSolver`, optional The solver to use to solve the model. If None, Simulation.solver is used check_model : bool, optional If True, model checks are performed after discretisation (see :meth:`pybamm.Discretisation.process_model`). Default is True. save_at_cycles : int or list of ints, optional Which cycles to save the full sub-solutions for. If None, all cycles are saved. If int, every multiple of save_at_cycles is saved. If list, every cycle in the list is saved. The first cycle (cycle 1) is always saved. calc_esoh : bool, optional Whether to include eSOH variables in the summary variables. If `False` then only summary variables that do not require the eSOH calculation are calculated. Default is True. starting_solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` The solution to start stepping from. If None (default), then self._solution is used. Must be None if not using an experiment. initial_soc : float, optional Initial State of Charge (SOC) for the simulation. Must be between 0 and 1. If given, overwrites the initial concentrations provided in the parameter set. callbacks : list of callbacks, optional A list of callbacks to be called at each time step. Each callback must implement all the methods defined in :class:`pybamm.callbacks.BaseCallback`. showprogress : bool, optional Whether to show a progress bar for cycling. If true, shows a progress bar for cycles. Has no effect when not used with an experiment. Default is False. **kwargs Additional key-word arguments passed to `solver.solve`. See :meth:`pybamm.BaseSolver.solve`. """ # Setup if solver is None: solver = self._solver callbacks = pybamm.callbacks.setup_callbacks(callbacks) logs = {} inputs = inputs or {} if self.operating_mode in ["without experiment", "drive cycle"]:, initial_soc=initial_soc, inputs=inputs) if save_at_cycles is not None: raise ValueError( "'save_at_cycles' option can only be used if simulating an " "Experiment " ) if starting_solution is not None: raise ValueError( "starting_solution can only be provided if simulating an Experiment" ) if ( self.operating_mode == "without experiment" or "ElectrodeSOH" in ): if t_eval is None: raise pybamm.SolverError( "'t_eval' must be provided if not using an experiment or " "simulating a drive cycle. 't_eval' can be provided as an " "array of times at which to return the solution, or as a " "list [t0, tf] where t0 is the initial time and tf is the " "final time. " "For a constant current (dis)charge the suggested 't_eval' " "is [0, 3700/C] where C is the C-rate. " "For example, run\n\n" "\tsim.solve([0, 3700])\n\n" "for a 1C discharge." ) elif self.operating_mode == "drive cycle": # For drive cycles (current provided as data) we perform additional # tests on t_eval (if provided) to ensure the returned solution # captures the input. time_data = self._parameter_values["Current function [A]"].x[0] # If no t_eval is provided, we use the times provided in the data. if t_eval is None:"Setting t_eval as specified by the data") t_eval = time_data # If t_eval is provided we first check if it contains all of the # times in the data to within 10-12. If it doesn't, we then check # that the largest gap in t_eval is smaller than the smallest gap in # the time data (to ensure the resolution of t_eval is fine enough). # We only raise a warning here as users may genuinely only want # the solution returned at some specified points. elif ( set(np.round(time_data, 12)).issubset(set(np.round(t_eval, 12))) ) is False: warnings.warn( """ t_eval does not contain all of the time points in the data set. Note: passing t_eval = None automatically sets t_eval to be the points in the data. """, pybamm.SolverWarning, stacklevel=2, ) dt_data_min = np.min(np.diff(time_data)) dt_eval_max = np.max(np.diff(t_eval)) if dt_eval_max > dt_data_min + sys.float_info.epsilon: warnings.warn( f""" The largest timestep in t_eval ({dt_eval_max}) is larger than the smallest timestep in the data ({dt_data_min}). The returned solution may not have the correct resolution to accurately capture the input. Try refining t_eval. Alternatively, passing t_eval = None automatically sets t_eval to be the points in the data. """, pybamm.SolverWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self._solution = solver.solve( self.built_model, t_eval, inputs=inputs, **kwargs ) elif self.operating_mode == "with experiment": callbacks.on_experiment_start(logs) self.build_for_experiment( check_model=check_model, initial_soc=initial_soc, inputs=inputs ) if t_eval is not None: pybamm.logger.warning( "Ignoring t_eval as solution times are specified by the experiment" ) # Re-initialize solution, e.g. for solving multiple times with different # inputs without having to build the simulation again self._solution = starting_solution # Step through all experimental conditions user_inputs = inputs timer = pybamm.Timer() # Set up eSOH solver (for summary variables) esoh_solver = self.get_esoh_solver(calc_esoh) if starting_solution is None: starting_solution_cycles = [] starting_solution_summary_variables = [] starting_solution_first_states = [] elif not hasattr(starting_solution, "all_summary_variables"): ( cycle_solution, cycle_sum_vars, cycle_first_state, ) = pybamm.make_cycle_solution( [starting_solution], esoh_solver=esoh_solver, save_this_cycle=True, inputs=user_inputs, ) starting_solution_cycles = [cycle_solution] starting_solution_summary_variables = [cycle_sum_vars] starting_solution_first_states = [cycle_first_state] else: starting_solution_cycles = starting_solution.cycles.copy() starting_solution_summary_variables = ( starting_solution.all_summary_variables.copy() ) starting_solution_first_states = ( starting_solution.all_first_states.copy() ) # set simulation initial_start_time if starting_solution is None: initial_start_time = self.experiment.initial_start_time else: initial_start_time = starting_solution.initial_start_time if ( initial_start_time is None and self.experiment.initial_start_time is not None ): raise ValueError( "When using experiments with `start_time`, the starting_solution " "must have a `start_time` too." ) cycle_offset = len(starting_solution_cycles) all_cycle_solutions = starting_solution_cycles all_summary_variables = starting_solution_summary_variables all_first_states = starting_solution_first_states current_solution = starting_solution or pybamm.EmptySolution() voltage_stop = self.experiment.termination.get("voltage") logs["stopping conditions"] = {"voltage": voltage_stop} idx = 0 num_cycles = len(self.experiment.cycle_lengths) feasible = True # simulation will stop if experiment is infeasible # Add initial padding rest if current time is earlier than first start time # This could be the case when using a starting solution if starting_solution is not None: step = self.experiment.steps[0] if step.start_time is not None: rest_time = ( step.start_time - ( initial_start_time + timedelta(seconds=float(current_solution.t[-1])) ) ).total_seconds() if rest_time > pybamm.settings.step_start_offset: # logs["step operating conditions"] = "Initial rest for padding" # callbacks.on_step_start(logs) inputs = { **user_inputs, "Ambient temperature [K]": ( step.temperature or self._parameter_values["Ambient temperature [K]"] ), "start time": current_solution.t[-1], } steps = current_solution.cycles[-1].steps step_solution = current_solution.cycles[-1].steps[-1] step_solution_with_rest = self.run_padding_rest( kwargs, rest_time, step_solution, inputs ) steps[-1] = step_solution + step_solution_with_rest cycle_solution, _, _ = pybamm.make_cycle_solution( steps, esoh_solver=esoh_solver, save_this_cycle=True ) old_cycles = current_solution.cycles.copy() old_cycles[-1] = cycle_solution current_solution += step_solution_with_rest current_solution.cycles = old_cycles # Update _solution self._solution = current_solution # check if a user has tqdm installed if showprogress: tqdm = import_optional_dependency("tqdm") cycle_lengths = tqdm.tqdm( self.experiment.cycle_lengths, desc="Cycling", ) else: cycle_lengths = self.experiment.cycle_lengths for cycle_num, cycle_length in enumerate( cycle_lengths, start=1, ): logs["cycle number"] = ( cycle_num + cycle_offset, num_cycles + cycle_offset, ) logs["elapsed time"] = timer.time() callbacks.on_cycle_start(logs) steps = [] cycle_solution = None # Decide whether we should save this cycle save_this_cycle = ( # always save cycle 1 cycle_num == 1 # always save last cycle or cycle_num == num_cycles # None: save all cycles or save_at_cycles is None # list: save all cycles in the list or ( isinstance(save_at_cycles, list) and cycle_num + cycle_offset in save_at_cycles ) # int: save all multiples or ( isinstance(save_at_cycles, int) and (cycle_num + cycle_offset) % save_at_cycles == 0 ) ) for step_num in range(1, cycle_length + 1): # Use 1-indexing for printing cycle number as it is more # human-intuitive step = self.experiment.steps[idx] start_time = current_solution.t[-1] # If step has an end time, dt must take that into account if step.end_time is not None: dt = min( step.duration, ( step.end_time - ( initial_start_time + timedelta(seconds=float(start_time)) ) ).total_seconds(), ) else: dt = step.duration step_str = str(step) model = self.steps_to_built_models[step.basic_repr()] solver = self.steps_to_built_solvers[step.basic_repr()] logs["step number"] = (step_num, cycle_length) logs["step operating conditions"] = step_str callbacks.on_step_start(logs) inputs = { **user_inputs, "start time": start_time, } # Make sure we take at least 2 timesteps npts = max(int(round(dt / step.period)) + 1, 2) try: step_solution = solver.step( current_solution, model, dt, t_eval=np.linspace(0, dt, npts), save=False, inputs=inputs, **kwargs, ) except pybamm.SolverError as error: if ( "non-positive at initial conditions" in error.message and "[experiment]" in error.message ): step_solution = pybamm.EmptySolution( "Event exceeded in initial conditions", t=start_time ) else: logs["error"] = error callbacks.on_experiment_error(logs) feasible = False # If none of the cycles worked, raise an error if cycle_num == 1 and step_num == 1: raise error # Otherwise, just stop this cycle break step_termination = step_solution.termination # Add a padding rest step if necessary if step.next_start_time is not None: rest_time = ( step.next_start_time - ( initial_start_time + timedelta(seconds=float(step_solution.t[-1])) ) ).total_seconds() if rest_time > pybamm.settings.step_start_offset: logs["step number"] = (step_num, cycle_length) logs["step operating conditions"] = "Rest for padding" callbacks.on_step_start(logs) inputs = { **user_inputs, "Ambient temperature [K]": ( step.temperature or self._parameter_values["Ambient temperature [K]"] ), "start time": step_solution.t[-1], } step_solution_with_rest = self.run_padding_rest( kwargs, rest_time, step_solution, inputs=inputs ) step_solution += step_solution_with_rest steps.append(step_solution) # If there haven't been any successful steps yet in this cycle, then # carry the solution over from the previous cycle (but # `step_solution` should still be an EmptySolution so that in the # list of returned step solutions we can see which steps were # skipped) if ( cycle_solution is None and isinstance(step_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution) and not isinstance(current_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution) ): cycle_solution = current_solution.last_state else: cycle_solution = cycle_solution + step_solution current_solution = cycle_solution callbacks.on_step_end(logs) logs["termination"] = step_solution.termination # Only allow events specified by experiment if not ( isinstance(step_solution, pybamm.EmptySolution) or step_termination == "final time" or "[experiment]" in step_termination ): callbacks.on_experiment_infeasible(logs) feasible = False break # Increment index for next iteration idx += 1 if save_this_cycle or feasible is False: self._solution = self._solution + cycle_solution # At the final step of the inner loop we save the cycle if len(steps) > 0: # Check for EmptySolution if all(isinstance(step, pybamm.EmptySolution) for step in steps): if len(steps) == 1: raise pybamm.SolverError( f"Step '{step_str}' is infeasible " "due to exceeded bounds at initial conditions. " "If this step is part of a longer cycle, " "round brackets should be used to indicate this, " "e.g.:\n pybamm.Experiment([(\n" "\tDischarge at C/5 for 10 hours or until 3.3 V,\n" "\tCharge at 1 A until 4.1 V,\n" "\tHold at 4.1 V until 10 mA\n" "])" ) else: this_cycle = self.experiment.cycles[cycle_num - 1] raise pybamm.SolverError( f"All steps in the cycle {this_cycle} are infeasible " "due to exceeded bounds at initial conditions." ) cycle_sol = pybamm.make_cycle_solution( steps, esoh_solver=esoh_solver, save_this_cycle=save_this_cycle, inputs=user_inputs, ) cycle_solution, cycle_sum_vars, cycle_first_state = cycle_sol all_cycle_solutions.append(cycle_solution) all_summary_variables.append(cycle_sum_vars) all_first_states.append(cycle_first_state) logs["summary variables"] = cycle_sum_vars # Calculate capacity_start using the first cycle if cycle_num == 1: # Note capacity_start could be defined as # self._parameter_values["Nominal cell capacity [A.h]"] instead if "capacity" in self.experiment.termination: capacity_start = all_summary_variables[0]["Capacity [A.h]"] logs["start capacity"] = capacity_start value, typ = self.experiment.termination["capacity"] if typ == "Ah": capacity_stop = value elif typ == "%": capacity_stop = value / 100 * capacity_start else: capacity_stop = None logs["stopping conditions"]["capacity"] = capacity_stop logs["elapsed time"] = timer.time() callbacks.on_cycle_end(logs) # Break if stopping conditions are met # Logging is done in the callbacks if capacity_stop is not None: capacity_now = cycle_sum_vars["Capacity [A.h]"] if not np.isnan(capacity_now) and capacity_now <= capacity_stop: break if voltage_stop is not None: min_voltage = cycle_sum_vars["Minimum voltage [V]"] if min_voltage <= voltage_stop[0]: break # Break if the experiment is infeasible (or errored) if feasible is False: break if self.solution is not None and len(all_cycle_solutions) > 0: self.solution.cycles = all_cycle_solutions self.solution.set_summary_variables(all_summary_variables) self.solution.all_first_states = all_first_states callbacks.on_experiment_end(logs) # record initial_start_time of the solution self.solution.initial_start_time = initial_start_time return self.solution
def run_padding_rest(self, kwargs, rest_time, step_solution, inputs): model = self.steps_to_built_models["Rest for padding"] solver = self.steps_to_built_solvers["Rest for padding"] # Make sure we take at least 2 timesteps. The period is hardcoded to 10 # minutes,the user can always override it by adding a rest step npts = max(int(round(rest_time / 600)) + 1, 2) step_solution_with_rest = solver.step( step_solution, model, rest_time, t_eval=np.linspace(0, rest_time, npts), save=False, inputs=inputs, **kwargs, ) return step_solution_with_rest
[docs] def step( self, dt, solver=None, t_eval=None, save=True, starting_solution=None, inputs=None, **kwargs, ): """ A method to step the model forward one timestep. This method will automatically build and set the model parameters if not already done so. Parameters ---------- dt : numeric type The timestep over which to step the solution solver : :class:`pybamm.BaseSolver` The solver to use to solve the model. t_eval : list or numpy.ndarray, optional An array of times at which to return the solution during the step (Note: t_eval is the time measured from the start of the step, so should start at 0 and end at dt). By default, the solution is returned at t0 and t0 + dt. save : bool Turn on to store the solution of all previous timesteps starting_solution : :class:`pybamm.Solution` The solution to start stepping from. If None (default), then self._solution is used **kwargs Additional key-word arguments passed to `solver.solve`. See :meth:`pybamm.BaseSolver.step`. """ if self.operating_mode in ["without experiment", "drive cycle"]: if solver is None: solver = self._solver if starting_solution is None: starting_solution = self._solution self._solution = solver.step( starting_solution, self.built_model, dt, t_eval=t_eval, save=save, inputs=inputs, **kwargs, ) return self.solution
def _get_esoh_solver(self, calc_esoh): if ( calc_esoh is False or isinstance(self._model, pybamm.lead_acid.BaseModel) or isinstance(self._model, pybamm.equivalent_circuit.Thevenin) or self._model.options["working electrode"] != "both" ): return None return pybamm.lithium_ion.ElectrodeSOHSolver( self._parameter_values, self._model.param, options=self._model.options )
[docs] def plot(self, output_variables=None, **kwargs): """ A method to quickly plot the outputs of the simulation. Creates a :class:`pybamm.QuickPlot` object (with keyword arguments 'kwargs') and then calls :meth:`pybamm.QuickPlot.dynamic_plot`. Parameters ---------- output_variables: list, optional A list of the variables to plot. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`pybamm.QuickPlot.dynamic_plot`. For a list of all possible keyword arguments see :class:`pybamm.QuickPlot`. """ if self._solution is None: raise ValueError( "Model has not been solved, please solve the model before plotting." ) if output_variables is None: output_variables = self._output_variables self.quick_plot = pybamm.dynamic_plot( self._solution, output_variables=output_variables, **kwargs ) return self.quick_plot
[docs] def create_gif(self, number_of_images=80, duration=0.1, output_filename="plot.gif"): """ Generates x plots over a time span of t_eval and compiles them to create a GIF. For more information see :meth:`pybamm.QuickPlot.create_gif` Parameters ---------- number_of_images : int (optional) Number of images/plots to be compiled for a GIF. duration : float (optional) Duration of visibility of a single image/plot in the created GIF. output_filename : str (optional) Name of the generated GIF file. """ if self.solution is None: raise ValueError("The simulation has not been solved yet.") if self.quick_plot is None: self.quick_plot = pybamm.QuickPlot(self._solution) self.quick_plot.create_gif( number_of_images=number_of_images, duration=duration, output_filename=output_filename, )
@property def model(self): return self._model @property def model_with_set_params(self): return self._model_with_set_params @property def built_model(self): return self._built_model @property def geometry(self): return self._geometry @property def parameter_values(self): return self._parameter_values @property def submesh_types(self): return self._submesh_types @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def var_pts(self): return self._var_pts @property def spatial_methods(self): return self._spatial_methods @property def solver(self): return self._solver @property def output_variables(self): return self._output_variables @property def solution(self): return self._solution
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save simulation using pickle module. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file extension can be arbitrary, but it is common to use ".pkl" or ".pickle" """ if self._model.convert_to_format == "python": # We currently cannot save models in the 'python' format raise NotImplementedError( """ Cannot save simulation if model format is python. Set model.convert_to_format = 'casadi' instead. """ ) # Clear solver problem (not pickle-able, will automatically be recomputed) if ( isinstance(self._solver, pybamm.CasadiSolver) and self._solver.integrator_specs != {} ): self._solver.integrator_specs = {} if self.steps_to_built_solvers is not None: for solver in self.steps_to_built_solvers.values(): if ( isinstance(solver, pybamm.CasadiSolver) and solver.integrator_specs != {} ): solver.integrator_specs = {} with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def save_model( self, filename: str | None = None, mesh: bool = False, variables: bool = False, ): """ Write out a discretised model to a JSON file Parameters ---------- mesh: bool The mesh used to discretise the model. If false, plotting tools will not be available when the model is read back in and solved. variables: bool The discretised variables. Not required to solve a model, but if false tools will not be availble. Will automatically save meshes as well, required for plotting tools. filename: str, optional The desired name of the JSON file. If no name is provided, one will be created based on the model name, and the current datetime. """ mesh = self.mesh if (mesh or variables) else None variables = self.built_model.variables if variables else None if self.operating_mode == "with experiment": raise NotImplementedError( """ Serialising models coupled to experiments is not yet supported. """ ) if self.built_model: Serialise().save_model( self.built_model, filename=filename, mesh=mesh, variables=variables ) else: raise NotImplementedError( """ PyBaMM can only serialise a discretised model. Ensure the model has been built (e.g. run `build()`) before saving. """ )
[docs] def plot_voltage_components( self, ax=None, show_legend=True, split_by_electrode=False, show_plot=True, **kwargs_fill, ): """ Generate a plot showing the component overpotentials that make up the voltage Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axis, optional The axis on which to put the plot. If None, a new figure and axis is created. show_legend : bool, optional Whether to display the legend. Default is True. split_by_electrode : bool, optional Whether to show the overpotentials for the negative and positive electrodes separately. Default is False. show_plot : bool, optional Whether to show the plots. Default is True. Set to False if you want to only display the plot after has been called. kwargs_fill Keyword arguments, passed to ax.fill_between. """ if self.solution is None: raise ValueError("The simulation has not been solved yet.") return pybamm.plot_voltage_components( self.solution, ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, split_by_electrode=split_by_electrode, show_plot=show_plot, **kwargs_fill, )
def load_sim(filename): """Load a saved simulation""" return pybamm.load(filename)