Source code for pybamm.meshes.one_dimensional_submeshes

# One-dimensional submeshes
import pybamm
from .meshes import SubMesh

import numpy as np

[docs] class SubMesh1D(SubMesh): """ 1D submesh class. Contains the position of the nodes, the number of mesh points, and (optionally) information about the tab locations. Parameters ---------- edges : array_like An array containing the points corresponding to the edges of the submesh coord_sys : string The coordinate system of the submesh tabs : dict, optional A dictionary that contains information about the size and location of the tabs """ def __init__(self, edges, coord_sys, tabs=None): self.edges = edges self.nodes = (self.edges[1:] + self.edges[:-1]) / 2 self.d_edges = np.diff(self.edges) self.d_nodes = np.diff(self.nodes) self.npts = self.nodes.size self.coord_sys = coord_sys self.internal_boundaries = [] # Add tab locations in terms of "left" and "right" if tabs and "negative tab" not in tabs.keys(): self.tabs = {} l_z = self.edges[-1] def near(x, point, tol=3e-16): return abs(x - point) < tol for tab in ["negative", "positive"]: tab_location = tabs[tab]["z_centre"] if near(tab_location, 0): self.tabs[tab + " tab"] = "left" elif near(tab_location, l_z): self.tabs[tab + " tab"] = "right" else: raise pybamm.GeometryError( f"{tab} tab located at {tab_location}, " f"but must be at either 0 or {l_z}" ) elif tabs: # tabs have already been calculated by a serialised model self.tabs = tabs def read_lims(self, lims): # Separate limits and tabs # Read and remove tabs. If "tabs" is not a key in "lims", then tabs is set to # "None" and nothing is removed from lims tabs = lims.pop("tabs", None) # check that only one variable passed in if len(lims) != 1: raise pybamm.GeometryError("lims should only contain a single variable") ((spatial_var, spatial_lims),) = lims.items() if isinstance(spatial_var, str): spatial_var = getattr(pybamm.standard_spatial_vars, spatial_var) return spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs def to_json(self): json_dict = { "edges": self.edges.tolist(), "coord_sys": self.coord_sys, } if hasattr(self, "tabs"): json_dict["tabs"] = self.tabs return json_dict
[docs] class Uniform1DSubMesh(SubMesh1D): """ A class to generate a uniform submesh on a 1D domain Parameters ---------- lims : dict A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables npts : dict A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1. """ def __init__(self, lims, npts): spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs = self.read_lims(lims) npts = npts[] edges = np.linspace(spatial_lims["min"], spatial_lims["max"], npts + 1) coord_sys = spatial_var.coord_sys super().__init__(edges, coord_sys=coord_sys, tabs=tabs) @classmethod def _from_json(cls, snippet: dict): instance = cls.__new__(cls) tabs = snippet["tabs"] if "tabs" in snippet.keys() else None super(Uniform1DSubMesh, instance).__init__( np.array(snippet["edges"]), snippet["coord_sys"], tabs=tabs ) return instance
[docs] class Exponential1DSubMesh(SubMesh1D): """ A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain in which the points are clustered close to one or both of boundaries using an exponential formula on the interval [a,b]. If side is "left", the gridpoints are given by .. math:: x_{k} = (b-a) + \\frac{\\mathrm{e}^{\\alpha k / N} - 1}{\\mathrm{e}^{\\alpha} - 1} + a, for k = 1, ..., N, where N is the number of nodes. Is side is "right", the gridpoints are given by .. math:: x_{k} = (b-a) + \\frac{\\mathrm{e}^{-\\alpha k / N} - 1}{\\mathrm{e}^{-\\alpha} - 1} + a, for k = 1, ..., N. If side is "symmetric", the first half of the interval is meshed using the gridpoints .. math:: x_{k} = (b/2-a) + \\frac{\\mathrm{e}^{\\alpha k / N} - 1}{\\mathrm{e}^{\\alpha} - 1} + a, for k = 1, ..., N. The grid spacing is then reflected to contruct the grid on the full interval [a,b]. In the above, alpha is a stretching factor. As the number of gridpoints tends to infinity, the ratio of the largest and smallest grid cells tends to exp(alpha). Parameters ---------- lims : dict A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables npts : dict A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1. side : str, optional Whether the points are clustered near to the left or right boundary, or both boundaries. Can be "left", "right" or "symmetric". Default is "symmetric" stretch : float, optional The factor (alpha) which appears in the exponential. If side is "symmetric" then the default stretch is 1.15. If side is "left" or "right" then the default stretch is 2.3. """ def __init__(self, lims, npts, side="symmetric", stretch=None): spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs = self.read_lims(lims) a = spatial_lims["min"] b = spatial_lims["max"] npts = npts[] coord_sys = spatial_var.coord_sys # Set stretch if not provided if not stretch: if side == "symmetric": stretch = 1.15 elif side in ["left", "right"]: stretch = 2.3 # Create edges accoriding to "side" if side == "left": ii = np.array(range(0, npts + 1)) edges = (b - a) * (np.exp(stretch * ii / npts) - 1) / ( np.exp(stretch) - 1 ) + a elif side == "right": ii = np.array(range(0, npts + 1)) edges = (b - a) * (np.exp(-stretch * ii / npts) - 1) / ( np.exp(-stretch) - 1 ) + a elif side == "symmetric": # Mesh half-interval [a, b/2] if npts % 2 == 0: ii = np.array(range(0, int((npts) / 2))) else: ii = np.array(range(0, int((npts + 1) / 2))) x_exp_left = (b / 2 - a) * (np.exp(stretch * ii / npts) - 1) / ( np.exp(stretch) - 1 ) + a # Refelct mesh x_exp_right = b * np.ones_like(x_exp_left) - (x_exp_left[::-1] - a) # Combine left and right halves of the mesh, adding a node at the # centre if npts is even (odd number of edges) if npts % 2 == 0: edges = np.concatenate((x_exp_left, [(a + b) / 2], x_exp_right)) else: edges = np.concatenate((x_exp_left, x_exp_right)) super().__init__(edges, coord_sys=coord_sys, tabs=tabs)
[docs] class Chebyshev1DSubMesh(SubMesh1D): """ A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain using Chebyshev nodes on the interval (a, b), given by .. math:: x_{k} = \\frac{1}{2}(a+b) + \\frac{1}{2}(b-a) \\cos(\\frac{2k-1}{2N}\\pi), for k = 1, ..., N, where N is the number of nodes. Note: this mesh then appends the boundary edges, so that the mesh edges are given by .. math:: a < x_{1} < ... < x_{N} < b. Parameters ---------- lims : dict A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables npts : dict A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1. tabs : dict, optional A dictionary that contains information about the size and location of the tabs """ def __init__(self, lims, npts, tabs=None): spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs = self.read_lims(lims) npts = npts[] # Create N Chebyshev nodes in the interval (a,b) N = npts - 1 ii = np.array(range(1, N + 1)) a = spatial_lims["min"] b = spatial_lims["max"] x_cheb = (a + b) / 2 + (b - a) / 2 * np.cos((2 * ii - 1) * np.pi / 2 / N) # Append the boundary nodes. Note: we need to flip the order the Chebyshev # nodes as they are created in descending order. edges = np.concatenate(([a], np.flip(x_cheb), [b])) coord_sys = spatial_var.coord_sys super().__init__(edges, coord_sys=coord_sys, tabs=tabs)
[docs] class UserSupplied1DSubMesh(SubMesh1D): """ A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain from a user supplied array of edges. Parameters ---------- lims : dict A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables npts : dict A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1. edges : array_like The array of points which correspond to the edges of the mesh. """ def __init__(self, lims, npts, edges=None): if edges is None: raise pybamm.GeometryError("User mesh requires parameter 'edges'") spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs = self.read_lims(lims) npts = npts[] if (npts + 1) != len(edges): raise pybamm.GeometryError( f"""User-suppled edges has should have length (npts + 1) but has length {len(edges)}.Number of points (npts) for domain {spatial_var.domain} is {npts}.""".replace( "\n ", " " ) ) # check end points of edges agree with spatial_lims if edges[0] != spatial_lims["min"]: raise pybamm.GeometryError( """First entry of edges is {}, but should be equal to {} for domain {}.""".format( edges[0], spatial_lims["min"], spatial_var.domain ) ) if edges[-1] != spatial_lims["max"]: raise pybamm.GeometryError( """Last entry of edges is {}, but should be equal to {} for domain {}.""".format( edges[-1], spatial_lims["max"], spatial_var.domain ) ) coord_sys = spatial_var.coord_sys super().__init__(edges, coord_sys=coord_sys, tabs=tabs)
class SpectralVolume1DSubMesh(SubMesh1D): """ A class to subdivide any mesh to incorporate Chebyshev collocation Control Volumes. Note that the Spectral Volume method is optimized to only work with this submesh. The underlying theory could use any mesh with the right number of nodes, but in 1D the only sensible choice are the Chebyshev collocation points. Parameters ---------- lims : dict A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables npts : dict A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1. order : int, optional The order of the Spectral Volume method that is to be used with this submesh. The default is 2, the same as the default for the SpectralVolume class. If the orders of the submesh and the Spectral Volume method don't match, the method will fail. """ def __init__(self, lims, npts, edges=None, order=2): spatial_var, spatial_lims, tabs = self.read_lims(lims) npts = npts[] # default: Spectral Volumes of equal size if edges is None: edges = np.linspace(spatial_lims["min"], spatial_lims["max"], npts + 1) # check that npts + 1 equals number of user-supplied edges elif (npts + 1) != len(edges): raise pybamm.GeometryError( "User-suppled edges should have length (npts + 1) but has len" f"gth {len(edges)}. Number of points (npts) for domain {spatial_var.domain} is {npts}." ) # check end points of edges agree with spatial_lims if edges[0] != spatial_lims["min"]: raise pybamm.GeometryError( """First entry of edges is {}, but should be equal to {} for domain {}.""".format( edges[0], spatial_lims["min"], spatial_var.domain ) ) if edges[-1] != spatial_lims["max"]: raise pybamm.GeometryError( """Last entry of edges is {}, but should be equal to {} for domain {}.""".format( edges[-1], spatial_lims["max"], spatial_var.domain ) ) coord_sys = spatial_var.coord_sys array = np.array( [ ((order + 1) - 1 - 2 * i) / (2 * (order + 1) - 2) for i in range(order + 1) ] ) cv_edges = np.array( [edges[0]] + [ x for (a, b) in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:]) for x in np.flip(a + 0.5 * (b - a) * (1 + np.sin(np.pi * array)))[1:] ] ) self.sv_edges = edges self.sv_nodes = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 self.d_sv_edges = np.diff(self.sv_edges) self.d_sv_nodes = np.diff(self.sv_nodes) self.order = 2 # The Control Volume edges and nodes are assigned to the # "edges" and "nodes" properties. This makes some of the # code of FiniteVolume directly applicable. super().__init__(cv_edges, coord_sys=coord_sys, tabs=tabs)