Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.parameter

# Parameter classes
from __future__ import annotations
import sys

import numpy as np
from typing import Literal

import sympy

import pybamm

[docs] class Parameter(pybamm.Symbol): """ A node in the expression tree representing a parameter. This node will be replaced by a :class:`pybamm.Scalar` node Parameters ---------- name : str name of the node """ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: super().__init__(name)
[docs] def create_copy(self) -> pybamm.Parameter: """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" return Parameter(
def _evaluate_for_shape(self) -> float: """ Returns the scalar 'NaN' to represent the shape of a parameter. See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.evaluate_for_shape()` """ return np.nan
[docs] def is_constant(self) -> Literal[False]: """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.is_constant()`.""" # Parameter is not constant since it can become an InputParameter return False
[docs] def to_equation(self) -> sympy.Symbol: """Convert the node and its subtree into a SymPy equation.""" if self.print_name is not None: return sympy.Symbol(self.print_name) else: return sympy.Symbol(
[docs] def to_json(self): raise NotImplementedError( "pybamm.Parameter: Serialisation is only implemented for discretised models" )
@classmethod def _from_json(cls, snippet): raise NotImplementedError( "pybamm.Parameter: Please use a discretised model when reading in from JSON" )
[docs] class FunctionParameter(pybamm.Symbol): """ A node in the expression tree representing a function parameter. This node will be replaced by a :class:`pybamm.Function` node if a callable function is passed to the parameter values, and otherwise (in some rarer cases, such as constant current) a :class:`pybamm.Scalar` node. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the node inputs : dict A dictionary with string keys and :class:`pybamm.Symbol` values representing the function inputs. The string keys should provide a reasonable description of what the input to the function is (e.g. "Electrolyte concentration [mol.m-3]") diff_variable : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`, optional if diff_variable is specified, the FunctionParameter node will be replaced by a :class:`pybamm.Function` and then differentiated with respect to diff_variable. Default is None. print_name : str, optional The name to show when printing. Default is 'calculate', in which case the name is calculated using sys._getframe(). """ def __init__( self, name: str, inputs: dict[str, pybamm.Symbol], diff_variable: pybamm.Symbol | None = None, print_name="calculate", ) -> None: # assign diff variable self.diff_variable = diff_variable children_list = list(inputs.values()) # Turn numbers into scalars for idx, child in enumerate(children_list): if isinstance(child, (float, int, np.number)): children_list[idx] = pybamm.Scalar(child) domains = self.get_children_domains(children_list) super().__init__(name, children=children_list, domains=domains) self.input_names = list(inputs.keys()) # Use the inspect module to find the function's "short name" from the # Parameters module that called it if print_name != "calculate": self.print_name = print_name else: frame = sys._getframe().f_back if frame is not None: print_name = frame.f_code.co_name if print_name.startswith("_"): self.print_name = None else: try: parent_param = frame.f_locals["self"] except KeyError: parent_param = None if ( hasattr(parent_param, "domain") and parent_param.domain is not None ): # add "_n" or "_s" or "_p" if this comes from a Parameter class with # a domain d = parent_param.domain[0] print_name += f"_{d}" self.print_name = print_name def print_input_names(self): if self._input_names: for inp in self._input_names: print(inp) @property def input_names(self): return self._input_names @input_names.setter def input_names(self, inp=None): if inp: if inp.__class__ is list: for i in inp: if i.__class__ is not str: raise TypeError( "Inputs must be a provided as" + "a dictionary of the form:" + "{{str: :class:`pybamm.Symbol`}}" ) else: raise TypeError( "Inputs must be a provided as" + " a dictionary of the form:" + "{{str: :class:`pybamm.Symbol`}}" ) self._input_names = inp
[docs] def set_id(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.set_id`""" self._id = hash( ( self.__class__,, self.diff_variable, *tuple([ for child in self.children]), *tuple(self.domain), ) )
[docs] def diff(self, variable: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.FunctionParameter: """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.diff()`.""" # return a new FunctionParameter, that knows it will need to be differentiated # when the parameters are set children_list = self.orphans input_names = self._input_names input_dict = {input_names[i]: children_list[i] for i in range(len(input_names))} return FunctionParameter(, input_dict, diff_variable=variable, print_name=self.print_name + "'", )
[docs] def create_copy(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" out = self._function_parameter_new_copy( self._input_names, self.orphans, print_name=self.print_name ) return out
def _function_parameter_new_copy( self, input_names: list[str], children: list[pybamm.Symbol], print_name="calculate", ) -> pybamm.FunctionParameter: """ Returns a new copy of the function parameter. Inputs ------ input_names : : list A list of str of the names of the children/function inputs children : : list A list of the children of the function Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.FunctionParameter` A new copy of the function parameter """ input_dict = {input_names[i]: children[i] for i in range(len(input_names))} return FunctionParameter(, input_dict, diff_variable=self.diff_variable, print_name=print_name, ) def _evaluate_for_shape(self): """ Returns the sum of the evaluated children See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.evaluate_for_shape()` """ # add 1e-16 to avoid division by zero return sum(child.evaluate_for_shape() for child in self.children) + 1e-16
[docs] def to_equation(self) -> sympy.Symbol: """Convert the node and its subtree into a SymPy equation.""" if self.print_name is not None: return sympy.Symbol(self.print_name) else: return sympy.Symbol(
[docs] def to_json(self): raise NotImplementedError( "pybamm.FunctionParameter:" "Serialisation is only implemented for discretised models." )
@classmethod def _from_json(cls, snippet): raise NotImplementedError( "pybamm.FunctionParameter:" "Please use a discretised model when reading in from JSON." )