Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.interpolant

# Interpolating class
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from import Sequence
import numbers

import pybamm

[docs] class Interpolant(pybamm.Function): """ Interpolate data in 1D, 2D, or 3D. Interpolation in 3D requires the input data to be on a regular grid (as per scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator). Parameters ---------- x : iterable of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The data point coordinates. If 1-D, then this is an array(s) of real values. If, 2D or 3D interpolation, then this is to ba a tuple of 1D arrays (one for each dimension) which together define the coordinates of the points. y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The values of the function to interpolate at the data points. In 2D and 3D, this should be a matrix of two and three dimensions respectively. children : iterable of :class:`pybamm.Symbol` Node(s) to use when evaluating the interpolant. Each child corresponds to an entry of x name : str, optional Name of the interpolant. Default is None, in which case the name "interpolating function" is given. interpolator : str, optional Which interpolator to use. Can be "linear", "cubic", or "pchip". Default is "linear". For 3D interpolation, only "linear" an "cubic" are currently supported. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate for points that are outside of the parametrisation range, or return NaN (following default behaviour from scipy). Default is True. Generally, it is best to set this to be False for 3D interpolation due to the higher potential for errors in extrapolation. """ def __init__( self, x: np.ndarray | Sequence[np.ndarray], y: np.ndarray, children: Sequence[pybamm.Symbol] | pybamm.Time, name: str | None = None, interpolator: str | None = "linear", extrapolate: bool = True, entries_string: str | None = None, ): # Check interpolator is valid if interpolator not in ["linear", "cubic", "pchip"]: raise ValueError(f"interpolator '{interpolator}' not recognised") # Perform some checks on the data if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) and len(x) == 2: x1, x2 = x if y.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("y should be two-dimensional if len(x)=2") if x1.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "len(x1) should equal y=shape[1], " f"but x1.shape={x1.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) if x2 is not None and x2.shape[0] != y.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "len(x2) should equal y=shape[0], " f"but x2.shape={x2.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) and len(x) == 3: x1, x2, x3 = x if y.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("y should be three-dimensional if len(x)=3") if x1.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "len(x1) should equal y=shape[0], " f"but x1.shape={x1.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) if x2 is not None and x2.shape[0] != y.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "len(x2) should equal y=shape[1], " f"but x2.shape={x2.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) if x3 is not None and x3.shape[0] != y.shape[2]: raise ValueError( "len(x3) should equal y=shape[2], " f"but x3.shape={x3.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) else: if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): x1 = x[0] else: x1 = x x: list[np.ndarray] = [x] # type: ignore[no-redef] x2 = None if x1.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "len(x1) should equal y=shape[0], " f"but x1.shape={x1.shape} and y.shape={y.shape}" ) # children should be a list not a symbol or a number if isinstance(children, (pybamm.Symbol, numbers.Number)): children = [children] # Either a single x is provided and there is one child # or x is a 2-tuple and there are two children if len(x) != len(children): raise ValueError("len(x) should equal len(children)") # if there is only one x, y can be 2-dimensional but the child must have # length 1 if len(x) == 1 and y.ndim == 2 and children[0].size != 1: raise ValueError( "child should have size 1 if y is two-dimensional and len(x)==1" ) # Create interpolating function if len(x) == 1: self.dimension = 1 if interpolator == "linear": if extrapolate is False: fill_value_1: float | str = np.nan elif extrapolate is True: fill_value_1 = "extrapolate" interpolating_function = interpolate.interp1d( x1, y.T, bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value_1, ) elif interpolator == "cubic": interpolating_function = interpolate.CubicSpline( x1, y, extrapolate=extrapolate ) elif interpolator == "pchip": interpolating_function = interpolate.PchipInterpolator( x1, y, extrapolate=extrapolate ) elif len(x) == 2: self.dimension = 2 if interpolator == "pchip": raise ValueError( "interpolator should be 'linear' or 'cubic' if x is two-dimensional" ) else: if extrapolate: fill_value = None else: fill_value = np.nan interpolating_function = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator( (x1, x2), y, method=interpolator, bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value, ) elif len(x) == 3: self.dimension = 3 if extrapolate: fill_value = None else: fill_value = np.nan possible_interpolators = ["linear", "cubic"] if interpolator not in possible_interpolators: raise ValueError( """interpolator should be 'linear' or 'cubic' for 3D interpolation""" ) else: interpolating_function = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator( (x1, x2, x3), y, method=interpolator, bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid dimension of x: {len(x)}") # Set name if name is None: name = "interpolating_function" self.x = x self.y = y self.entries_string = entries_string super().__init__( interpolating_function, *children, name=name, derivative="derivative" ) # Store information as attributes self.interpolator = interpolator self.extrapolate = extrapolate @classmethod def _from_json(cls, snippet: dict): """Create an Interpolant object from JSON data""" x1 = [] if len(snippet["x"]) == 1: x1 = [np.array(x) for x in snippet["x"]] return cls( x1 if x1 else tuple(np.array(x) for x in snippet["x"]), np.array(snippet["y"]), snippet["children"], name=snippet["name"], interpolator=snippet["interpolator"], extrapolate=snippet["extrapolate"], ) @property def entries_string(self): return self._entries_string @entries_string.setter def entries_string(self, value): # We must include the entries in the hash, since different arrays can be # indistinguishable by class, name and domain alone # Slightly different syntax for sparse and non-sparse matrices if value is not None: self._entries_string = value else: self._entries_string = "" for i, x in enumerate(self.x): self._entries_string += "x" + str(i) + "_" + str(x.tobytes()) self._entries_string += "y_" + str(self.y.tobytes())
[docs] def set_id(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.set_id()`.""" self._id = hash( ( self.__class__,, self.entries_string, *tuple([ for child in self.children]), *tuple(self.domain), ) )
def _function_new_copy(self, children): """See :meth:`Function._function_new_copy()`""" return pybamm.Interpolant( self.x, self.y, children,, interpolator=self.interpolator, extrapolate=self.extrapolate, entries_string=self.entries_string, ) def _function_evaluate(self, evaluated_children): children_eval_flat = [] for child in evaluated_children: if isinstance(child, np.ndarray): children_eval_flat.append(child.flatten()) else: children_eval_flat.append(child) if self.dimension == 1: return self.function(*children_eval_flat).flatten()[:, np.newaxis] elif self.dimension in [2, 3]: # If the children are scalars, we need to add a dimension shapes = [] for child in evaluated_children: if isinstance(child, (float, int)): shapes.append(()) else: shapes.append(child.shape) shapes = set(shapes) shapes.discard(()) if len(shapes) > 1: raise ValueError( "All children must have the same shape for 3D interpolation" ) if len(shapes) == 0: shape = (1,) else: shape = shapes.pop() new_evaluated_children = [] for child in evaluated_children: if hasattr(child, "shape") and child.shape == shape: new_evaluated_children.append(child.flatten()) else: new_evaluated_children.append(np.reshape(child, shape).flatten()) # return nans if there are any within the children nans = np.isnan(new_evaluated_children) if np.any(nans): nan_children = [] for child, interp_range in zip( new_evaluated_children, self.function.grid ): nan_children.append(np.ones_like(child) * interp_range.mean()) nan_eval = self.function(np.transpose(nan_children)) return np.reshape(nan_eval, shape) else: res = self.function(np.transpose(new_evaluated_children)) return np.reshape(res, shape) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"Invalid dimension: {self.dimension}")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Method to serialise an Interpolant object into JSON. """ json_dict = { "name":, "id":, "x": [x_item.tolist() for x_item in self.x], "y": self.y.tolist(), "interpolator": self.interpolator, "extrapolate": self.extrapolate, } return json_dict