Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.averages

# Classes and methods for averaging
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
import pybamm

class _BaseAverage(pybamm.Integral):
    Base class for a symbol representing an average

    child : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
        The child node

    def __init__(
        child: pybamm.Symbol,
        name: str,
        integration_variable: list[pybamm.IndependentVariable]
        | pybamm.IndependentVariable,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(child, integration_variable) = name

class XAverage(_BaseAverage):
    def __init__(self, child: pybamm.Symbol) -> None:
        if all(n in child.domain[0] for n in ["negative", "particle"]):
            x = pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_n
        elif all(n in child.domain[0] for n in ["positive", "particle"]):
            x = pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_p
            x = pybamm.SpatialVariable("x", domain=child.domain)
        integration_variable = x
        super().__init__(child, "x-average", integration_variable)

    def _unary_new_copy(self, child: pybamm.Symbol):
        """See :meth:`UnaryOperator._unary_new_copy()`."""
        return x_average(child)

class YZAverage(_BaseAverage):
    def __init__(self, child: pybamm.Symbol) -> None:
        y = pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.y
        z = pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.z
        integration_variable: list[pybamm.IndependentVariable] = [y, z]
        super().__init__(child, "yz-average", integration_variable)

    def _unary_new_copy(self, child: pybamm.Symbol):
        """See :meth:`UnaryOperator._unary_new_copy()`."""
        return yz_average(child)

class ZAverage(_BaseAverage):
    def __init__(self, child: pybamm.Symbol) -> None:
        integration_variable: list[pybamm.IndependentVariable] = [
        super().__init__(child, "z-average", integration_variable)

    def _unary_new_copy(self, child: pybamm.Symbol):
        """See :meth:`UnaryOperator._unary_new_copy()`."""
        return z_average(child)

class RAverage(_BaseAverage):
    def __init__(self, child: pybamm.Symbol) -> None:
        integration_variable: list[pybamm.IndependentVariable] = [
            pybamm.SpatialVariable("r", child.domain)
        super().__init__(child, "r-average", integration_variable)

    def _unary_new_copy(self, child: pybamm.Symbol):
        """See :meth:`UnaryOperator._unary_new_copy()`."""
        return r_average(child)

class SizeAverage(_BaseAverage):
    def __init__(self, child: pybamm.Symbol, f_a_dist) -> None:
        R = pybamm.SpatialVariable("R",, coord_sys="cartesian")
        integration_variable: list[pybamm.IndependentVariable] = [R]
        super().__init__(child, "size-average", integration_variable)
        self.f_a_dist = f_a_dist

    def _unary_new_copy(self, child: pybamm.Symbol):
        """See :meth:`UnaryOperator._unary_new_copy()`."""
        return size_average(child, f_a_dist=self.f_a_dist)

[docs] def x_average(symbol: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.Symbol: """ Convenience function for creating an average in the x-direction. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The function to be averaged Returns ------- :class:`Symbol` the new averaged symbol """ # Can't take average if the symbol evaluates on edges (unless it's broadcasted) if symbol.evaluates_on_edges("primary") and not isinstance( symbol, pybamm.Broadcast ): raise ValueError("Can't take the x-average of a symbol that evaluates on edges") # If symbol doesn't have an electrode domain, its x-averaged value is itself if not any( any( dom in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"] for dom in domain ) for domain in ): return symbol # If symbol is a broadcast, reduce by one dimension if isinstance( symbol, (pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast, pybamm.SecondaryBroadcast, pybamm.FullBroadcast), ): if all( dom in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"] for dom in symbol.broadcast_domain ): return symbol.reduce_one_dimension() elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast): return pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast( x_average(symbol.orphans[0]), symbol.broadcast_domain ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.FullBroadcast) and all( dom in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"] for dom in symbol.secondary_domain ): domains = { "primary":["primary"], "secondary":["tertiary"], "tertiary":["quaternary"], } return pybamm.FullBroadcast(symbol.orphans[0], broadcast_domains=domains) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.FullBroadcast) and all( dom in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"] for dom in symbol.tertiary_domain ): domains = { "primary":["primary"], "secondary":["secondary"], "tertiary":["quaternary"], } return pybamm.FullBroadcast(symbol.orphans[0], broadcast_domains=domains) else: # pragma: no cover # It should be impossible to get here raise NotImplementedError # If symbol is a concatenation, its average value is the # thickness-weighted average of the average of its children elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Concatenation) and not isinstance( symbol, pybamm.ConcatenationVariable ): geo = pybamm.geometric_parameters ls = { ("negative electrode",): geo.n.L, ("separator",): geo.s.L, ("positive electrode",): geo.p.L, ("separator", "positive electrode"): geo.s.L + geo.p.L, } out = sum( ls[tuple(orp.domain)] * x_average(orp) for orp in symbol.orphans ) / sum(ls[tuple(orp.domain)] for orp in symbol.orphans) return out # Average of a sum is sum of averages elif isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.Addition, pybamm.Subtraction)): return _sum_of_averages(symbol, x_average) # Otherwise, use Integral to calculate average value else: return XAverage(symbol)
[docs] def z_average(symbol: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.Symbol: """ Convenience function for creating an average in the z-direction. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The function to be averaged Returns ------- :class:`Symbol` the new averaged symbol """ # Can't take average if the symbol evaluates on edges if symbol.evaluates_on_edges("primary"): raise ValueError("Can't take the z-average of a symbol that evaluates on edges") # Symbol must have domain [] or ["current collector"] if symbol.domain not in [[], ["current collector"]]: raise pybamm.DomainError( f"""z-average only implemented in the 'current collector' domain, but symbol has domains {symbol.domain}""" ) # If symbol doesn't have a domain, its average value is itself if symbol.domain == []: return symbol # If symbol is a Broadcast, its average value is its child elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Broadcast): return symbol.reduce_one_dimension() # Average of a sum is sum of averages elif isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.Addition, pybamm.Subtraction)): return _sum_of_averages(symbol, z_average) # Otherwise, define a ZAverage else: return ZAverage(symbol)
[docs] def yz_average(symbol: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.Symbol: """ Convenience function for creating an average in the y-z-direction. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The function to be averaged Returns ------- :class:`Symbol` the new averaged symbol """ # Symbol must have domain [] or ["current collector"] if symbol.domain not in [[], ["current collector"]]: raise pybamm.DomainError( f"""y-z-average only implemented in the 'current collector' domain, but symbol has domains {symbol.domain}""" ) # If symbol doesn't have a domain, its average value is itself if symbol.domain == []: return symbol # If symbol is a Broadcast, its average value is its child elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Broadcast): return symbol.reduce_one_dimension() # Average of a sum is sum of averages elif isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.Addition, pybamm.Subtraction)): return _sum_of_averages(symbol, yz_average) # Otherwise, define a YZAverage else: return YZAverage(symbol)
def xyz_average(symbol: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.Symbol: return yz_average(x_average(symbol))
[docs] def r_average(symbol: pybamm.Symbol) -> pybamm.Symbol: """ Convenience function for creating an average in the r-direction. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The function to be averaged Returns ------- :class:`Symbol` the new averaged symbol """ has_particle_domain = symbol.domain != [] and symbol.domain[0].endswith("particle") # Can't take average if the symbol evaluates on edges if symbol.evaluates_on_edges("primary"): raise ValueError("Can't take the r-average of a symbol that evaluates on edges") # Otherwise, if symbol doesn't have a particle domain, # its r-averaged value is itself elif not has_particle_domain: return symbol # If symbol is a secondary broadcast onto "negative electrode" or # "positive electrode", take the r-average of the child then broadcast back elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.SecondaryBroadcast) and[ "secondary" ] in [["positive electrode"], ["negative electrode"]]: child = symbol.orphans[0] child_av = pybamm.r_average(child) return pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(child_av,["secondary"]) # If symbol is a Broadcast onto a particle domain, its average value is its child elif ( isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast, pybamm.FullBroadcast)) and has_particle_domain ): return symbol.reduce_one_dimension() # Average of a sum is sum of averages elif isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.Addition, pybamm.Subtraction)): return _sum_of_averages(symbol, r_average) else: return RAverage(symbol)
[docs] def size_average( symbol: pybamm.Symbol, f_a_dist: pybamm.Symbol | None = None ) -> pybamm.Symbol: """Convenience function for averaging over particle size R using the area-weighted particle-size distribution. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The function to be averaged Returns ------- :class:`Symbol` the new averaged symbol """ # Can't take average if the symbol evaluates on edges if symbol.evaluates_on_edges("primary"): raise ValueError( """Can't take the size-average of a symbol that evaluates on edges""" ) # If symbol doesn't have a domain, or doesn't have "negative particle size" # or "positive particle size" as a domain, it's average value is itself if symbol.domain == [] or not any( domain in [["negative particle size"], ["positive particle size"]] for domain in list( ): return symbol # If symbol is a primary broadcast to "particle size", take the orphan elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast) and symbol.domain in [ ["negative particle size"], ["positive particle size"], ]: return symbol.orphans[0] # If symbol is a secondary broadcast to "particle size" from "particle", # take the orphan elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.SecondaryBroadcast) and[ "secondary" ] in [["negative particle size"], ["positive particle size"]]: return symbol.orphans[0] # Otherwise, define a SizeAverage else: if f_a_dist is None: geo = pybamm.geometric_parameters R = pybamm.SpatialVariable( "R",, coord_sys="cartesian" ) if ["negative particle size"] in f_a_dist = geo.n.prim.f_a_dist(R) elif ["positive particle size"] in f_a_dist = geo.p.prim.f_a_dist(R) return SizeAverage(symbol, f_a_dist)
def _sum_of_averages( symbol: pybamm.Addition | pybamm.Subtraction, average_function: Callable[[pybamm.Symbol], pybamm.Symbol], ): if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Addition): return average_function(symbol.left) + average_function(symbol.right) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Subtraction): return average_function(symbol.left) - average_function(symbol.right)