Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.array

# NumpyArray class
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse

import pybamm
from pybamm.type_definitions import DomainType, AuxiliaryDomainType, DomainsType
import sympy

[docs] class Array(pybamm.Symbol): """ Node in the expression tree that holds an tensor type variable (e.g. :class:`numpy.array`) Parameters ---------- entries : numpy.array or list the array associated with the node. If a list is provided, it is converted to a numpy array name : str, optional the name of the node domain : iterable of str, optional list of domains the parameter is valid over, defaults to empty list auxiliary_domains : dict, optional dictionary of auxiliary domains, defaults to empty dict domains : dict A dictionary equivalent to {'primary': domain, auxiliary_domains}. Either 'domain' and 'auxiliary_domains', or just 'domains', should be provided (not both). In future, the 'domain' and 'auxiliary_domains' arguments may be deprecated. entries_string : str String representing the entries (slow to recalculate when copying) """ def __init__( self, entries: np.ndarray | list[float] | csr_matrix, name: str | None = None, domain: DomainType = None, auxiliary_domains: AuxiliaryDomainType = None, domains: DomainsType = None, entries_string: str | None = None, ) -> None: # if if isinstance(entries, list): entries = np.array(entries) if entries.ndim == 1: entries = entries[:, np.newaxis] if name is None: name = f"Array of shape {entries.shape!s}" self._entries = entries.astype(float) # Use known entries string to avoid re-hashing, where possible self.entries_string = entries_string super().__init__( name, domain=domain, auxiliary_domains=auxiliary_domains, domains=domains ) @classmethod def _from_json(cls, snippet: dict): if isinstance(snippet["entries"], dict): matrix = csr_matrix( ( snippet["entries"]["data"], snippet["entries"]["row_indices"], snippet["entries"]["column_pointers"], ), shape=snippet["entries"]["shape"], ) else: matrix = snippet["entries"] return cls( matrix, name=snippet["name"], domains=snippet["domains"], ) @property def entries(self): return self._entries @property def ndim(self): """returns the number of dimensions of the tensor.""" return self._entries.ndim @property def shape(self): """returns the number of entries along each dimension.""" return self._entries.shape @property def entries_string(self): return self._entries_string @entries_string.setter def entries_string(self, value: None | tuple): # We must include the entries in the hash, since different arrays can be # indistinguishable by class, name and domain alone # Slightly different syntax for sparse and non-sparse matrices if value is not None: self._entries_string = value else: entries = self._entries if issparse(entries): dct = entries.__dict__ entries_string = ["shape", str(dct["_shape"])] for key in ["data", "indices", "indptr"]: entries_string += [key, dct[key].tobytes()] self._entries_string = tuple(entries_string) # self._entries_string = str(entries.__dict__) else: self._entries_string = (entries.tobytes(),)
[docs] def set_id(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.set_id()`.""" self._id = hash( (self.__class__,, *self.entries_string, *tuple(self.domain)) )
def _jac(self, variable) -> pybamm.Matrix: """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol._jac()`.""" # Return zeros of correct size jac = csr_matrix((self.size, variable.evaluation_array.count(True))) return pybamm.Matrix(jac)
[docs] def create_copy(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" return self.__class__( self.entries,,, entries_string=self.entries_string, )
def _base_evaluate( self, t: float | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None, y_dot: np.ndarray | None = None, inputs: dict | str | None = None, ): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol._base_evaluate()`.""" return self._entries
[docs] def is_constant(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.is_constant()`.""" return True
[docs] def to_equation(self) -> sympy.Array: """Returns the value returned by the node when evaluated.""" entries_list = self.entries.tolist() return sympy.Array(entries_list)
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Method to serialise an Array object into JSON. """ if isinstance(self.entries, np.ndarray): matrix = self.entries.tolist() elif isinstance(self.entries, csr_matrix): matrix = { "shape": self.entries.shape, "data":, "row_indices": self.entries.indices.tolist(), "column_pointers": self.entries.indptr.tolist(), } json_dict = { "name":, "id":, "domains":, "entries": matrix, } return json_dict
[docs] def linspace(start: float, stop: float, num: int = 50, **kwargs) -> pybamm.Array: """ Creates a linearly spaced array by calling `numpy.linspace` with keyword arguments 'kwargs'. For a list of 'kwargs' see the `numpy linspace documentation <>`_ """ return pybamm.Array(np.linspace(start, stop, num, **kwargs))
[docs] def meshgrid( x: pybamm.Array, y: pybamm.Array, **kwargs ) -> tuple[pybamm.Array, pybamm.Array]: """ Return coordinate matrices as from coordinate vectors by calling `numpy.meshgrid` with keyword arguments 'kwargs'. For a list of 'kwargs' see the `numpy meshgrid documentation <>`_ """ [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(x.entries, y.entries) X = pybamm.Array(X) Y = pybamm.Array(Y) return X, Y