Source code for pybamm.discretisations.discretisation

# Interface for discretisation
import pybamm
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from scipy.sparse import block_diag, csc_matrix, csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv

def has_bc_of_form(symbol, side, bcs, form):
    if symbol in bcs:
        if bcs[symbol][side][1] == form:
            return True
            return False

        return False

[docs] class Discretisation: """The discretisation class, with methods to process a model and replace Spatial Operators with Matrices and Variables with StateVectors Parameters ---------- mesh : pybamm.Mesh contains all submeshes to be used on each domain spatial_methods : dict a dictionary of the spatial methods to be used on each domain. The keys correspond to the model domains and the values to the spatial method. check_model : bool, optional If True, model checks are performed after discretisation. For large systems these checks can be slow, so can be skipped by setting this option to False. When developing, testing or debugging it is recommended to leave this option as True as it may help to identify any errors. Default is True. remove_independent_variables_from_rhs : bool, optional If True, model checks to see whether any variables from the RHS are used in any other equation. If a variable meets all of the following criteria (not used anywhere in the model, len(rhs)>1), then the variable is moved to be explicitly integrated when called by the solution object. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, mesh=None, spatial_methods=None, check_model=True, remove_independent_variables_from_rhs=False, ): self._mesh = mesh if mesh is None: self._spatial_methods = {} else: # Unpack macroscale to the constituent subdomains if "macroscale" in spatial_methods.keys(): method = spatial_methods["macroscale"] spatial_methods["negative electrode"] = method spatial_methods["separator"] = method spatial_methods["positive electrode"] = method self._spatial_methods = spatial_methods for domain, method in self._spatial_methods.items(): # Check zero-dimensional methods are only applied to zero-dimensional # meshes if isinstance(method, pybamm.ZeroDimensionalSpatialMethod): if not isinstance(mesh[domain], pybamm.SubMesh0D): raise pybamm.DiscretisationError( "Zero-dimensional spatial method for the " f"{domain} domain requires a zero-dimensional submesh" ) self._bcs = {} self.y_slices = {} self._discretised_symbols = {} self._check_model_flag = check_model self._remove_independent_variables_from_rhs_flag = ( remove_independent_variables_from_rhs ) @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def y_slices(self): return self._y_slices @y_slices.setter def y_slices(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError(f"y_slices should be dict, not {type(value)}") self._y_slices = value @property def spatial_methods(self): return self._spatial_methods @property def bcs(self): return self._bcs @bcs.setter def bcs(self, value): self._bcs = value # reset discretised_symbols self._discretised_symbols = {}
[docs] def process_model(self, model, inplace=True): """ Discretise a model. Currently inplace, could be changed to return a new model. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` Model to dicretise. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation}) inplace : bool, optional If True, discretise the model in place. Otherwise, return a new discretised model. Default is True. Returns ------- model_disc : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The discretised model. Note that if ``inplace`` is True, model will have also been discretised in place so model == model_disc. If ``inplace`` is False, model != model_disc Raises ------ :class:`pybamm.ModelError` If an empty model is passed (`model.rhs = {}` and `model.algebraic = {}` and `model.variables = {}`) """ if model.is_discretised is True: raise pybamm.ModelError( "Cannot re-discretise a model. " "Set 'inplace=False' when first discretising a model to then be able " "to discretise it more times (e.g. for convergence studies)." )"Start discretising {}") # Make sure model isn't empty if ( len(model.rhs) == 0 and len(model.algebraic) == 0 and len(model.variables) == 0 ): raise pybamm.ModelError("Cannot discretise empty model") # Check well-posedness to avoid obscure errors model.check_well_posedness() # Prepare discretisation # set variables (we require the full variable not just id) # Search Equations for Independence if self._remove_independent_variables_from_rhs_flag: model = self.remove_independent_variables_from_rhs(model) variables = list(model.rhs.keys()) + list(model.algebraic.keys()) # Find those RHS's that are constant if self.spatial_methods == {} and any(var.domain != [] for var in variables): for var in variables: if var.domain != []: raise pybamm.DiscretisationError( "Spatial method has not been given " f"for variable {} with domain {var.domain}" ) # Set the y split for variables pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Set variable slices for {}") self.set_variable_slices(variables) # set boundary conditions (only need key ids for boundary_conditions) pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discretise boundary conditions for {}") self._bcs = self.process_boundary_conditions(model) pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Set internal boundary conditions for {}") self.set_internal_boundary_conditions(model) # set up inplace vs not inplace if inplace: # any changes to model_disc attributes will change model attributes # since they point to the same object model_disc = model else: # create a copy of the original model model_disc = model.new_copy() # Keep a record of y_slices in the model model_disc.y_slices = self.y_slices_explicit # Keep a record of the bounds in the model model_disc.bounds = self.bounds model_disc.bcs = self.bcs pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discretise initial conditions for {}") ics, concat_ics = self.process_initial_conditions(model) model_disc.initial_conditions = ics model_disc.concatenated_initial_conditions = concat_ics # Discretise variables (applying boundary conditions) # Note that we **do not** discretise the keys of model.rhs, # model.initial_conditions and model.boundary_conditions pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discretise variables for {}") model_disc.variables = self.process_dict(model.variables) # Process parabolic and elliptic equations pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discretise model equations for {}") rhs, concat_rhs, alg, concat_alg = self.process_rhs_and_algebraic(model) model_disc.rhs, model_disc.concatenated_rhs = rhs, concat_rhs model_disc.algebraic, model_disc.concatenated_algebraic = alg, concat_alg # Save length of rhs and algebraic model_disc.len_rhs = model_disc.concatenated_rhs.size model_disc.len_alg = model_disc.concatenated_algebraic.size model_disc.len_rhs_and_alg = model_disc.len_rhs + model_disc.len_alg # Process events processed_events = [] pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Discretise events for {}") for event in pybamm.logger.debug(f"Discretise event '{}'") processed_event = pybamm.Event(, self.process_symbol(event.expression), event.event_type ) processed_events.append(processed_event) = processed_events # Create mass matrix pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Create mass matrix for {}") model_disc.mass_matrix, model_disc.mass_matrix_inv = self.create_mass_matrix( model_disc ) # Save geometry pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Save geometry for {}") model_disc._geometry = getattr(self.mesh, "_geometry", None) # Check that resulting model makes sense if self._check_model_flag: pybamm.logger.verbose(f"Performing model checks for {}") self.check_model(model_disc)"Finish discretising {}") # Record that the model has been discretised model_disc.is_discretised = True return model_disc
[docs] def set_variable_slices(self, variables): """ Sets the slicing for variables. Parameters ---------- variables : iterable of :class:`pybamm.Variables` The variables for which to set slices """ # Set up y_slices and bounds y_slices = defaultdict(list) y_slices_explicit = defaultdict(list) start = 0 end = 0 lower_bounds = [] upper_bounds = [] # Iterate through unpacked variables, adding appropriate slices to y_slices for variable in variables: # Add up the size of all the domains in variable.domain if isinstance(variable, pybamm.ConcatenationVariable): start_ = start spatial_method = self.spatial_methods[variable.domain[0]] children = variable.children meshes = OrderedDict() for child in children: meshes[child] = [spatial_method.mesh[dom] for dom in child.domain] sec_points = spatial_method._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats( ) for _ in range(sec_points): for child, mesh in meshes.items(): for domain_mesh in mesh: end += domain_mesh.npts_for_broadcast_to_nodes # Add to slices y_slices[child].append(slice(start_, end)) y_slices_explicit[child].append(slice(start_, end)) # Increment start_ start_ = end else: end += self._get_variable_size(variable) # Add to slices y_slices[variable].append(slice(start, end)) y_slices_explicit[variable].append(slice(start, end)) # Add to bounds def evaluate_bound(bound, side): if bound.has_symbol_of_classes(pybamm.InputParameter): if side == "lower": return -np.inf elif side == "upper": return np.inf else: return bound.evaluate() lower_bounds.extend( [evaluate_bound(variable.bounds[0], "lower")] * (end - start) ) upper_bounds.extend( [evaluate_bound(variable.bounds[1], "upper")] * (end - start) ) # Increment start start = end # Convert y_slices back to normal dictionary self.y_slices = dict(y_slices) # Also keep a record of what the y_slices are, to be stored in the model self.y_slices_explicit = dict(y_slices_explicit) # Also keep a record of bounds self.bounds = (np.array(lower_bounds), np.array(upper_bounds)) # reset discretised_symbols self._discretised_symbols = {}
def _get_variable_size(self, variable): """Helper function to determine what size a variable should be""" # If domain is empty then variable has size 1 if variable.domain == []: return 1 else: size = 0 spatial_method = self.spatial_methods[variable.domain[0]] repeats = spatial_method._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats( for dom in variable.domain: size += spatial_method.mesh[dom].npts_for_broadcast_to_nodes * repeats return size
[docs] def set_internal_boundary_conditions(self, model): """ A method to set the internal boundary conditions for the submodel. These are required to properly calculate the gradient. Note: this method modifies the state of self.boundary_conditions. """ def boundary_gradient(left_symbol, right_symbol): pybamm.logger.debug( f"Calculate boundary gradient ({left_symbol} and {right_symbol})" ) left_domain = left_symbol.domain[0] right_domain = right_symbol.domain[0] left_mesh = self.spatial_methods[left_domain].mesh[left_domain] right_mesh = self.spatial_methods[right_domain].mesh[right_domain] left_symbol_disc = self.process_symbol(left_symbol) right_symbol_disc = self.process_symbol(right_symbol) return self.spatial_methods[left_domain].internal_neumann_condition( left_symbol_disc, right_symbol_disc, left_mesh, right_mesh ) bc_keys = list(self.bcs.keys()) internal_bcs = {} for var in model.boundary_conditions.keys(): if isinstance(var, pybamm.Concatenation): children = var.orphans first_child = children[0] next_child = children[1] lbc = self.bcs[var]["left"] rbc = (boundary_gradient(first_child, next_child), "Neumann") if first_child not in bc_keys: internal_bcs.update({first_child: {"left": lbc, "right": rbc}}) for current_child, next_child in zip(children[1:-1], children[2:]): lbc = rbc rbc = (boundary_gradient(current_child, next_child), "Neumann") if current_child not in bc_keys: internal_bcs.update( {current_child: {"left": lbc, "right": rbc}} ) lbc = rbc rbc = self.bcs[var]["right"] if children[-1] not in bc_keys: internal_bcs.update({children[-1]: {"left": lbc, "right": rbc}}) self.bcs.update(internal_bcs)
[docs] def process_initial_conditions(self, model): """Discretise model initial_conditions. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` Model to dicretise. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation}) Returns ------- tuple Tuple of processed_initial_conditions (dict of initial conditions) and concatenated_initial_conditions (numpy array of concatenated initial conditions) """ # Discretise initial conditions processed_initial_conditions = self.process_dict( model.initial_conditions, ics=True ) # Concatenate initial conditions into a single vector # check that all initial conditions are set processed_concatenated_initial_conditions = self._concatenate_in_order( processed_initial_conditions, check_complete=True ) return processed_initial_conditions, processed_concatenated_initial_conditions
[docs] def process_boundary_conditions(self, model): """Discretise model boundary_conditions, also converting keys to ids Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` Model to dicretise. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation}) Returns ------- dict Dictionary of processed boundary conditions """ processed_bcs = {} # process and set pybamm.variables first incase required # in discrisation of other boundary conditions for key, bcs in model.boundary_conditions.items(): processed_bcs[key] = {} # check if the boundary condition at the origin for sphere domains is other # than no flux for subdomain in key.domain: if ( self.mesh[subdomain].coord_sys in ["spherical polar", "cylindrical polar"] and next(iter(self.mesh.geometry[subdomain].values()))["min"] == 0 ): if bcs["left"][0].value != 0 or bcs["left"][1] != "Neumann": raise pybamm.ModelError( "Boundary condition at r = 0 must be a homogeneous " f"Neumann condition for {self.mesh[subdomain].coord_sys} coordinates" ) # Handle any boundary conditions applied on the tabs if any("tab" in side for side in list(bcs.keys())): bcs = self.check_tab_conditions(key, bcs) # Process boundary conditions for side, bc in bcs.items(): eqn, typ = bc pybamm.logger.debug(f"Discretise {key} ({side} bc)") processed_eqn = self.process_symbol(eqn) processed_bcs[key][side] = (processed_eqn, typ) return processed_bcs
[docs] def check_tab_conditions(self, symbol, bcs): """ Check any boundary conditions applied on "negative tab", "positive tab" and "no tab". For 1D current collector meshes, these conditions are converted into boundary conditions on "left" (tab at z=0) or "right" (tab at z=l_z) depending on the tab location stored in the mesh. For 2D current collector meshes, the boundary conditions can be applied on the tabs directly. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.expression_tree.symbol.Symbol` The symbol on which the boundary conditions are applied. bcs : dict The dictionary of boundary conditions (a dict of {side: equation}). Returns ------- dict The dictionary of boundary conditions, with the keys changed to "left" and "right" where necessary. """ # Check symbol domain domain = symbol.domain[0] mesh = self.mesh[domain] if domain != "current collector": raise pybamm.ModelError( f"""Boundary conditions can only be applied on the tabs in the domain 'current collector', but {symbol} has domain {domain}""" ) # Replace keys with "left" and "right" as appropriate for 1D meshes if isinstance(mesh, pybamm.SubMesh1D): # send boundary conditions applied on the tabs to "left" or "right" # depending on the tab location stored in the mesh for tab in ["negative tab", "positive tab"]: if any(tab in side for side in list(bcs.keys())): bcs[mesh.tabs[tab]] = bcs.pop(tab) # if there was a tab at either end, then the boundary conditions # have now been set on "left" and "right" as required by the spatial # method, so there is no need to further modify the bcs dict if all(side in list(bcs.keys()) for side in ["left", "right"]): pass # if both tabs are located at z=0 then the "right" boundary condition # (at z=1) is the condition for "no tab" elif "left" in list(bcs.keys()): bcs["right"] = bcs.pop("no tab") # else if both tabs are located at z=1, the "left" boundary condition # (at z=0) is the condition for "no tab" else: bcs["left"] = bcs.pop("no tab") return bcs
[docs] def process_rhs_and_algebraic(self, model): """Discretise model equations - differential ('rhs') and algebraic. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` Model to dicretise. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation}) Returns ------- tuple Tuple of processed_rhs (dict of processed differential equations), processed_concatenated_rhs, processed_algebraic (dict of processed algebraic equations) and processed_concatenated_algebraic """ # Discretise right-hand sides, passing domain from variable processed_rhs = self.process_dict(model.rhs) # Concatenate rhs into a single state vector # Need to concatenate in order as the ordering of equations could be different # in processed_rhs and model.rhs processed_concatenated_rhs = self._concatenate_in_order(processed_rhs) # Discretise and concatenate algebraic equations processed_algebraic = self.process_dict(model.algebraic) # Concatenate algebraic into a single state vector # Need to concatenate in order as the ordering of equations could be different # in processed_algebraic and model.algebraic processed_concatenated_algebraic = self._concatenate_in_order( processed_algebraic ) return ( processed_rhs, processed_concatenated_rhs, processed_algebraic, processed_concatenated_algebraic, )
[docs] def create_mass_matrix(self, model): """Creates mass matrix of the discretised model. Note that the model is assumed to be of the form M*y_dot = f(t,y), where M is the (possibly singular) mass matrix. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` Discretised model. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The mass matrix :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The inverse of the ode part of the mass matrix (required by solvers which only accept the ODEs in explicit form) """ # Create list of mass matrices for each equation to be put into block # diagonal mass matrix for the model mass_list = [] mass_inv_list = [] # get a list of model rhs variables that are sorted according to # where they are in the state vector model_variables = model.rhs.keys() model_slices = [] for v in model_variables: model_slices.append(self.y_slices[v][0]) sorted_model_variables = [ v for _, v in sorted(zip(model_slices, model_variables)) ] # Process mass matrices for the differential equations for var in sorted_model_variables: if var.domain == []: # If variable domain empty then mass matrix is just 1 mass_list.append(1.0) mass_inv_list.append(1.0) else: mass = ( self.spatial_methods[var.domain[0]] .mass_matrix(var, self.bcs) .entries ) mass_list.append(mass) if isinstance( self.spatial_methods[var.domain[0]], (pybamm.ZeroDimensionalSpatialMethod, pybamm.FiniteVolume), ): # for 0D methods the mass matrix is just a scalar 1 and for # finite volumes the mass matrix is identity, so no need to # compute the inverse mass_inv_list.append(mass) else: # inverse is more efficient in csc format mass_inv = inv(csc_matrix(mass)) mass_inv_list.append(mass_inv) # Create lumped mass matrix (of zeros) of the correct shape for the # discretised algebraic equations if model.algebraic.keys(): mass_algebraic_size = model.concatenated_algebraic.shape[0] mass_algebraic = csr_matrix((mass_algebraic_size, mass_algebraic_size)) mass_list.append(mass_algebraic) # Create block diagonal (sparse) mass matrix (if model is not empty) # and inverse (if model has odes) if len(model.rhs) + len(model.algebraic) > 0: mass_matrix = pybamm.Matrix(block_diag(mass_list, format="csr")) if len(model.rhs) > 0: mass_matrix_inv = pybamm.Matrix(block_diag(mass_inv_list, format="csr")) else: mass_matrix_inv = None else: mass_matrix, mass_matrix_inv = None, None return mass_matrix, mass_matrix_inv
[docs] def process_dict(self, var_eqn_dict, ics=False): """Discretise a dictionary of {variable: equation}, broadcasting if necessary (can be model.rhs, model.algebraic, model.initial_conditions or model.variables). Parameters ---------- var_eqn_dict : dict Equations ({variable: equation} dict) to dicretise (can be model.rhs, model.algebraic, model.initial_conditions or model.variables) ics : bool, optional Whether the equations are initial conditions. If True, the equations are scaled by the reference value of the variable, if given Returns ------- new_var_eqn_dict : dict Discretised equations """ new_var_eqn_dict = {} for eqn_key, eqn in var_eqn_dict.items(): # Broadcast if the equation evaluates to a number (e.g. Scalar) if == 1 and not isinstance(eqn_key, str): if eqn_key.domain == []: eqn = eqn * pybamm.Vector([1]) else: eqn = pybamm.FullBroadcast(eqn, pybamm.logger.debug(f"Discretise {eqn_key!r}") processed_eqn = self.process_symbol(eqn) # Calculate scale if the key has a scale scale = getattr(eqn_key, "scale", 1) if ics: reference = getattr(eqn_key, "reference", 0) else: reference = 0 if scale != 1 or reference != 0: processed_eqn = (processed_eqn - reference) / scale new_var_eqn_dict[eqn_key] = processed_eqn return new_var_eqn_dict
[docs] def process_symbol(self, symbol): """Discretise operators in model equations. If a symbol has already been discretised, the stored value is returned. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.expression_tree.symbol.Symbol` Symbol to discretise Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.expression_tree.symbol.Symbol` Discretised symbol """ try: return self._discretised_symbols[symbol] except KeyError: discretised_symbol = self._process_symbol(symbol) self._discretised_symbols[symbol] = discretised_symbol discretised_symbol.test_shape() # Assign mesh as an attribute to the processed variable if symbol.domain != []: discretised_symbol.mesh = self.mesh[symbol.domain] else: discretised_symbol.mesh = None # Assign secondary mesh if["secondary"] != []: discretised_symbol.secondary_mesh = self.mesh[["secondary"] ] else: discretised_symbol.secondary_mesh = None return discretised_symbol
def _process_symbol(self, symbol): """See :meth:`Discretisation.process_symbol()`.""" if symbol.domain != []: spatial_method = self.spatial_methods[symbol.domain[0]] # If boundary conditions are provided, need to check for BCs on tabs if self.bcs: key_id = next(iter(self.bcs.keys())) if any("tab" in side for side in list(self.bcs[key_id].keys())): self.bcs[key_id] = self.check_tab_conditions( symbol, self.bcs[key_id] ) if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BinaryOperator): # Pre-process children left, right = symbol.children disc_left = self.process_symbol(left) disc_right = self.process_symbol(right) if symbol.domain == []: return pybamm.simplify_if_constant( symbol._binary_new_copy(disc_left, disc_right) ) else: return spatial_method.process_binary_operators( symbol, left, right, disc_left, disc_right ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm._BaseAverage): # Create a new Integral operator and process it child = symbol.orphans[0] if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.SizeAverage): R = symbol.integration_variable[0] f_a_dist = symbol.f_a_dist # take average using Integral and distribution f_a_dist average = pybamm.Integral(f_a_dist * child, R) / pybamm.Integral( f_a_dist, R ) else: x = symbol.integration_variable v = pybamm.ones_like(child) average = pybamm.Integral(child, x) / pybamm.Integral(v, x) return self.process_symbol(average) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.UnaryOperator): child = symbol.child disc_child = self.process_symbol(child) if child.domain != []: child_spatial_method = self.spatial_methods[child.domain[0]] if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Gradient): return child_spatial_method.gradient(child, disc_child, self.bcs) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Divergence): return child_spatial_method.divergence(child, disc_child, self.bcs) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Laplacian): return child_spatial_method.laplacian(child, disc_child, self.bcs) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.GradientSquared): return child_spatial_method.gradient_squared( child, disc_child, self.bcs ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Mass): return child_spatial_method.mass_matrix(child, self.bcs) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryMass): return child_spatial_method.boundary_mass_matrix(child, self.bcs) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.IndefiniteIntegral): return child_spatial_method.indefinite_integral( child, disc_child, "forward" ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BackwardIndefiniteIntegral): return child_spatial_method.indefinite_integral( child, disc_child, "backward" ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Integral): integral_spatial_method = self.spatial_methods[ symbol.integration_variable[0].domain[0] ] out = integral_spatial_method.integral( child, disc_child, symbol._integration_dimension ) out.copy_domains(symbol) return out elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.DefiniteIntegralVector): return child_spatial_method.definite_integral_matrix( child, vector_type=symbol.vector_type ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryIntegral): return child_spatial_method.boundary_integral( child, disc_child, symbol.region ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Broadcast): # Broadcast new_child to the domain specified by symbol.domain # Different discretisations may broadcast differently return spatial_method.broadcast( disc_child,, symbol.broadcast_type ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.DeltaFunction): return spatial_method.delta_function(symbol, disc_child) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryOperator): # if boundary operator applied on "negative tab" or # "positive tab" *and* the mesh is 1D then change side to # "left" or "right" as appropriate if symbol.side in ["negative tab", "positive tab"]: mesh = self.mesh[symbol.children[0].domain[0]] if isinstance(mesh, pybamm.SubMesh1D): symbol.side = mesh.tabs[symbol.side] return child_spatial_method.boundary_value_or_flux( symbol, disc_child, self.bcs ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.EvaluateAt): return child_spatial_method.evaluate_at( symbol, disc_child, symbol.position ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.UpwindDownwind): direction = # upwind or downwind return spatial_method.upwind_or_downwind( child, disc_child, self.bcs, direction ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.NotConstant): # After discretisation, we can make the symbol constant return disc_child else: return symbol._unary_new_copy(disc_child) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Function): disc_children = [self.process_symbol(child) for child in symbol.children] return symbol._function_new_copy(disc_children) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.VariableDot): # Add symbol's reference and multiply by the symbol's scale # so that the state vector is of order 1 return symbol.reference + symbol.scale * pybamm.StateVectorDot( *self.y_slices[symbol.get_variable()],, ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Variable): # add a try except block for a more informative error if a variable # can't be found. This should usually be caught earlier by # model.check_well_posedness, but won't be if debug_mode is False try: y_slices = self.y_slices[symbol] except KeyError as error: raise pybamm.ModelError( f""" No key set for variable '{}'. Make sure it is included in either model.rhs or model.algebraic in an unmodified form (e.g. not Broadcasted) """ ) from error # Add symbol's reference and multiply by the symbol's scale # so that the state vector is of order 1 return symbol.reference + symbol.scale * pybamm.StateVector( *y_slices, ) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.SpatialVariable): return spatial_method.spatial_variable(symbol) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.ConcatenationVariable): # create new children without scale and reference # the scale and reference will be applied to the concatenation instead new_children = [] old_y_slices = self.y_slices.copy() for child in symbol.children: child_no_scale = child.create_copy() child_no_scale._scale = 1 child_no_scale._reference = 0 child_no_scale.set_id() self.y_slices[child_no_scale] = self.y_slices[child] new_children.append(self.process_symbol(child_no_scale)) self.y_slices = old_y_slices new_symbol = spatial_method.concatenation(new_children) # apply scale to the whole concatenation return symbol.reference + symbol.scale * new_symbol elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Concatenation): new_children = [self.process_symbol(child) for child in symbol.children] new_symbol = spatial_method.concatenation(new_children) return new_symbol elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.InputParameter): if symbol.domain != []: expected_size = self._get_variable_size(symbol) else: expected_size = None if symbol._expected_size is None: symbol._expected_size = expected_size return symbol.create_copy() else: # Backup option: return the object return symbol def concatenate(self, *symbols, sparse=False): if sparse: return pybamm.SparseStack(*symbols) else: return pybamm.numpy_concatenation(*symbols) def _concatenate_in_order(self, var_eqn_dict, check_complete=False, sparse=False): """ Concatenate a dictionary of {variable: equation} using self.y_slices The keys/variables in `var_eqn_dict` must be the same as the ids in `self.y_slices`. The resultant concatenation is ordered according to the ordering of the slice values in `self.y_slices` Parameters ---------- var_eqn_dict : dict Equations ({variable: equation} dict) to dicretise check_complete : bool, optional Whether to check keys in var_eqn_dict against self.y_slices. Default is False sparse : bool, optional If True the concatenation will be a :class:`pybamm.SparseStack`. If False the concatenation will be a :class:`pybamm.NumpyConcatenation`. Default is False Returns ------- var_eqn_dict : dict Discretised right-hand side equations """ # Unpack symbols in variables that are concatenations of variables unpacked_variables = [] slices = [] for symbol in var_eqn_dict.keys(): if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.ConcatenationVariable): unpacked_variables.extend([symbol] + [var for var in symbol.children]) else: unpacked_variables.append(symbol) slices.append(self.y_slices[symbol][0]) if check_complete: # Check keys from the given var_eqn_dict against self.y_slices unpacked_variables_set = set(unpacked_variables) if unpacked_variables_set != set(self.y_slices.keys()): given_variable_names = [ for v in var_eqn_dict.keys()] raise pybamm.ModelError( "Initial conditions are insufficient. Only " f"provided for {given_variable_names} " ) equations = list(var_eqn_dict.values()) # sort equations according to slices sorted_equations = [eq for _, eq in sorted(zip(slices, equations))] return self.concatenate(*sorted_equations, sparse=sparse)
[docs] def check_model(self, model): """Perform some basic checks to make sure the discretised model makes sense.""" self.check_initial_conditions(model) self.check_variables(model)
def check_initial_conditions(self, model): # Check initial conditions are a numpy array # Individual for var, eqn in model.initial_conditions.items(): ic_eval = eqn.evaluate(t=0, inputs="shape test") if not isinstance(ic_eval, np.ndarray): raise pybamm.ModelError( "initial conditions must be numpy array after discretisation but " f"they are {type(ic_eval)} for variable '{var}'." ) # Check that the initial condition is within the bounds # Skip this check if there are input parameters in the initial conditions bounds = var.bounds if not eqn.has_symbol_of_classes(pybamm.InputParameter) and not ( all(bounds[0].value <= ic_eval) and all(ic_eval <= bounds[1].value) ): raise pybamm.ModelError( "initial condition is outside of variable bounds " f"{bounds} for variable '{var}'." ) # Check initial conditions and model equations have the same shape # Individual for var in model.rhs.keys(): if model.rhs[var].shape != model.initial_conditions[var].shape: raise pybamm.ModelError( "rhs and initial conditions must have the same shape after " "discretisation but rhs.shape = " f"{model.rhs[var].shape} and initial_conditions.shape = {model.initial_conditions[var].shape} for variable '{var}'." ) for var in model.algebraic.keys(): if model.algebraic[var].shape != model.initial_conditions[var].shape: raise pybamm.ModelError( "algebraic and initial conditions must have the same shape after " "discretisation but algebraic.shape = " f"{model.algebraic[var].shape} and initial_conditions.shape = {model.initial_conditions[var].shape} for variable '{var}'." )
[docs] def check_variables(self, model): """ Check variables in variable list against rhs. Be lenient with size check if the variable in model.variables is broadcasted, or a concatenation (if broadcasted, variable is a multiplication with a vector of ones) """ for rhs_var in model.rhs.keys(): if in model.variables.keys(): var = model.variables[] different_shapes = not np.array_equal( model.rhs[rhs_var].shape, var.shape ) not_concatenation = not isinstance(var, pybamm.Concatenation) not_mult_by_one_vec = not ( isinstance( var, (pybamm.Multiplication, pybamm.MatrixMultiplication) ) and ( pybamm.is_matrix_one(var.left) or pybamm.is_matrix_one(var.right) ) ) if different_shapes and not_concatenation and not_mult_by_one_vec: raise pybamm.ModelError( "variable and its eqn must have the same shape after " "discretisation but variable.shape = " f"{var.shape} and rhs.shape = {model.rhs[rhs_var].shape} for variable '{var}'. " )
def is_variable_independent(self, var, all_vars_in_eqns): pybamm.logger.verbose("Removing independent blocks.") if not isinstance(var, pybamm.Variable): return False this_var_is_independent = not in all_vars_in_eqns not_in_y_slices = var not in list(self.y_slices.keys()) not_in_discretised = var not in list(self._discretised_symbols.keys()) is_0D = len(var.domain) == 0 this_var_is_independent = ( this_var_is_independent and not_in_y_slices and not_in_discretised and is_0D ) return this_var_is_independent def remove_independent_variables_from_rhs(self, model): rhs_vars_to_search_over = list(model.rhs.keys()) unpacker = pybamm.SymbolUnpacker(pybamm.Variable) eqns_to_check = ( list(model.rhs.values()) + list(model.algebraic.values()) + [ x[side][0] for x in model.boundary_conditions.values() for side in x.keys() ] # only check children of variables, this will skip the variable itself # and catch any other cases + [child for var in model.variables.values() for child in var.children] + [event.expression for event in] ) all_vars_in_eqns = unpacker.unpack_list_of_symbols(eqns_to_check) all_vars_in_eqns = [ for var in all_vars_in_eqns] for var in rhs_vars_to_search_over: this_var_is_independent = self.is_variable_independent( var, all_vars_in_eqns ) if this_var_is_independent: if len(model.rhs) != 1:"removing variable {var} from rhs") my_initial_condition = model.initial_conditions[var] model.variables[] = pybamm.ExplicitTimeIntegral( model.rhs[var], my_initial_condition ) # edge case where a variable appears # in variables twice under different names for key in model.variables: if model.variables[key] == var: print("here") model.variables[key] = model.variables[] del model.rhs[var] del model.initial_conditions[var] else: break return model